Pharmaceuticals vs. Supplements for cycles


So this is my first time running tren in about 5 years. Pre-cycle bloodwork had me a little freaked out, my BP was 140/90, cholesterol was fucking HIGH. Like 238 total fasting. I was showing signs of insulin resistance. But fuck it, I wanted to look good and I'm recovering from coronavirus in hopes of passing into my military pipeline.

I COULD buy some metformin, blast crestor and nebivolol and call it a day. But I also need long term solutions, like to experiment and I'm plain impatient. I did my research, found shit with actual quantifiable results and am running a super stack of bullshit. So far I'm beyond impressed.

The fact is that many supplements can and will give you the same benefits as pharmaceutical grade medication, some of these supplements are gray market experimental, some have side effects and some are illegal. As if you give a fuck. I'm bored af and can't sleep so I figured I'd do a write up and why I'm using each thing. I'd also like to say, avoid vitamin blends and other bullshit. They're garbage.

1. Red rice yeast: contains lovastatin, 20mg-40mg a day of this will make your lipids look pretty. Here's the kicker, the FDA hates this and has regulated the amount of lovastatin acceptable in US supplements. Here's the workaround, buy hong qu mi off etsy or straight outta China. Shit is highest possible purity. My cholesterol after 1.5 months is now under 100 for ldl and over 60 for hdl.

2. Berberine: we all know about this. Can assist cholesterol, BP and its main role, insulin resistance. The only issue being that it accomplishes this through basically creating absorbtion issues in your gut. Minimizing carb absorbtion and affecting glucose levels directly. Not a bad thing, but the internet will tell you to run as high as 1200 a day. I run 400-600 a day.

3. NAC, Cardarine, Cialis, Vitamin D, baby aspirin, Celery stocks and cardio: fuck BP, this ones tough. Last tren cycle my lowest BP was always above 150 systolic. No good, that's an early death. NAC we generally see as a liver protectant, NAC directly lowers the amounts of homocysteine in your blood. Homocysteine breaks down proteins and in excess, permits too much oxidation and hardening of arteries. NAC tricks your blood into thinking it is oxygen deprived, NAC then replaces homocysteine in plasma concentrations and prevents uptake from overconsumption of certain fats, proteins or bad habits. In conjunction with vitamin b12 and coq10, it lowers the fuck oit of your BP. You all know the benefits of the rest so I'll leave them out, needless to say, I'm a little over a week into cycle and my average BP is legit hypotensive. Talking 105/60 range. Beginning to worry, and I'm taking lowest possible doses.

4. Cardarine and Montelukast (I know the second is pharma, but I also know you looked past cialis): cardio is the #1 method of keeping BP and cholesterol reasonable on cycle. We all know Cardarine cAuSeS cAnCeR, I won't go into that. I will say I have a 13 minute 2 mile at the moment. Montelulast prevents the uptake of leukotriene in certain receptors, acting as a sort of pseudo-bronchiodilator. This DIRECTLY counteracts the affects of tren on cardio.

5. Epitalon, Lion's Mane, fulvic acid and not getting brain damage: epitalon is an experimental Russian drug which has many many many fuxking benefits, but for our purposes I'll keep it simple. It breaks down amyloid plaques that both cause trensomnia and give you retardation or alzheimer's. Lion's mane is a neuroprotectant which is now well studied, in the sense that we know it prevents excess glutamate build up, which is a neurotoxin for our purposes. In studies, those dosing Lion's Mane noticed improved cognitive function over the course of as little as a month. Fulvic acid also assists in untangling tau from the brain, in conjunction with epitalon, it even helps regulate circadian rhythm, allowing your body to retain beta-amyloid fighting capabilities generally lost in tren use, as well as regulating "adrenaline response" in tren. (NAC, surprisingly does this to an extent as well), meaning less tren paranoia and anxiety, and even more artery help.

I could go on but your probably bored and I'm going to crash. My shit is well researched, though. And I can already see the results of many of these compounds, I'm excited to see if the sleep part works, we'll see.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
BP and cholesterol are concerning... So you jump on tren and figure some dandelion root from GNC will patch things up? Come on man....
So this is my first time running tren in about 5 years. Pre-cycle bloodwork had me a little freaked out, my BP was 140/90, cholesterol was fucking HIGH. Like 238 total fasting. I was showing signs of insulin resistance. But fuck it, I wanted to look good and I'm recovering from coronavirus in hopes of passing into my military pipeline.

I COULD buy some metformin, blast crestor and nebivolol and call it a day. But I also need long term solutions, like to experiment and I'm plain impatient. I did my research, found shit with actual quantifiable results and am running a super stack of bullshit. So far I'm beyond impressed.

The fact is that many supplements can and will give you the same benefits as pharmaceutical grade medication, some of these supplements are gray market experimental, some have side effects and some are illegal. As if you give a fuck. I'm bored af and can't sleep so I figured I'd do a write up and why I'm using each thing. I'd also like to say, avoid vitamin blends and other bullshit. They're garbage.

1. Red rice yeast: contains lovastatin, 20mg-40mg a day of this will make your lipids look pretty. Here's the kicker, the FDA hates this and has regulated the amount of lovastatin acceptable in US supplements. Here's the workaround, buy hong qu mi off etsy or straight outta China. Shit is highest possible purity. My cholesterol after 1.5 months is now under 100 for ldl and over 60 for hdl.

2. Berberine: we all know about this. Can assist cholesterol, BP and its main role, insulin resistance. The only issue being that it accomplishes this through basically creating absorbtion issues in your gut. Minimizing carb absorbtion and affecting glucose levels directly. Not a bad thing, but the internet will tell you to run as high as 1200 a day. I run 400-600 a day.

3. NAC, Cardarine, Cialis, Vitamin D, baby aspirin, Celery stocks and cardio: fuck BP, this ones tough. Last tren cycle my lowest BP was always above 150 systolic. No good, that's an early death. NAC we generally see as a liver protectant, NAC directly lowers the amounts of homocysteine in your blood. Homocysteine breaks down proteins and in excess, permits too much oxidation and hardening of arteries. NAC tricks your blood into thinking it is oxygen deprived, NAC then replaces homocysteine in plasma concentrations and prevents uptake from overconsumption of certain fats, proteins or bad habits. In conjunction with vitamin b12 and coq10, it lowers the fuck oit of your BP. You all know the benefits of the rest so I'll leave them out, needless to say, I'm a little over a week into cycle and my average BP is legit hypotensive. Talking 105/60 range. Beginning to worry, and I'm taking lowest possible doses.

4. Cardarine and Montelukast (I know the second is pharma, but I also know you looked past cialis): cardio is the #1 method of keeping BP and cholesterol reasonable on cycle. We all know Cardarine cAuSeS cAnCeR, I won't go into that. I will say I have a 13 minute 2 mile at the moment. Montelulast prevents the uptake of leukotriene in certain receptors, acting as a sort of pseudo-bronchiodilator. This DIRECTLY counteracts the affects of tren on cardio.

5. Epitalon, Lion's Mane, fulvic acid and not getting brain damage: epitalon is an experimental Russian drug which has many many many fuxking benefits, but for our purposes I'll keep it simple. It breaks down amyloid plaques that both cause trensomnia and give you retardation or alzheimer's. Lion's mane is a neuroprotectant which is now well studied, in the sense that we know it prevents excess glutamate build up, which is a neurotoxin for our purposes. In studies, those dosing Lion's Mane noticed improved cognitive function over the course of as little as a month. Fulvic acid also assists in untangling tau from the brain, in conjunction with epitalon, it even helps regulate circadian rhythm, allowing your body to retain beta-amyloid fighting capabilities generally lost in tren use, as well as regulating "adrenaline response" in tren. (NAC, surprisingly does this to an extent as well), meaning less tren paranoia and anxiety, and even more artery help.

I could go on but your probably bored and I'm going to crash. My shit is well researched, though. And I can already see the results of many of these compounds, I'm excited to see if the sleep part works, we'll see.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Really like your thread, thanks. Do you have sny tips for hematocrit hemoglobin?
Your BP and cholesterol are at concerning levels, so let's throw some herbs at the issue and run one of the worst AAS for raising your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Your BP and cholesterol are at concerning levels, so let's throw some herbs at the issue and run one of the worst AAS for raising your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Cholesterol under 100 on ldl in 2 separate tests. Again, did you read any of the fucking post?
Cholesterol under 100 on ldl in 2 separate tests. Again, did you read any of the fucking post?

Cool. So you're taking unregulated compounds to fix a problem that you don't know the root of. The fact is, your PRE CYCLE BP was extremely high and your cholesterol was ridiculous. You don't see that as a bit concerning?

Fuck going to a doctor because your health markers are way out of whack. Let's do tren and throw some herbs at the issue...

Good Lord.
Cool. So you're taking unregulated compounds to fix a problem that you don't know the root of. The fact is, your PRE CYCLE BP was extremely high and your cholesterol was ridiculous. You don't see that as a bit concerning?

Fuck going to a doctor because your health markers are way out of whack. Let's do tren and throw some herbs at the issue...

Good Lord.
Ran a cycle that ended in February, got coronavirus in March. Doctor believes corona fucked me somehow. Numbers were fine all last year. Maybe you need to throw some herbs at your issue?
Ran a cycle that ended in February, got coronavirus in March. Doctor believes corona fucked me somehow. Numbers were fine all last year. Maybe you need to throw some herbs at your issue?

No, I'm good -- thanks, though. If I need any advice on running ill-advised cycles I'll be sure to send you a PM.
No, I'm good -- thanks, though. If I need any advice on running ill-advised cycles I'll be sure to send you a PM.
Are you the one advising? Is any of this advised? Maybe if you had an open mind you could protect yourself against common on cycle issues. Not a single FDA approved method for preventing or treating amyloid plaque build-up or neurotoxicity on cycle.

Not everybody knows the mechanism of action for tren cardio issues. Montelulast is a god send.

Lovastatin is widely fucking used, not exactly dandelions and faggotry.

Cialis has been shown to lower BP safely in doses as low as 5mg a day.

Alzheimer's patients using Lion's Mane saw a significant decrease in glutamate toxicity and scored higher than control with deep clinically significant numbers.

Everything else in there is well understood in this community as beneficial.

So I'll be sure to tell my doctor that a dude literally named test subject being a hypocrite about untested medical treatments knows his shit better than him, next time he wonders how I got my numbers so clean, so quickly.
Are you the one advising? Is any of this advised? Maybe if you had an open mind you could protect yourself against common on cycle issues. Not a single FDA approved method for preventing or treating amyloid plaque build-up or neurotoxicity on cycle.

Not everybody knows the mechanism of action for tren cardio issues. Montelulast is a god send.

Lovastatin is widely fucking used, not exactly dandelions and faggotry.

Cialis has been shown to lower BP safely in doses as low as 5mg a day.

Alzheimer's patients saw a significant decrease in glutamate toxicity and scored higher than control with deep clinically significant numbers.

Everything else in there is well understood in this community as beneficial.

So I'll be sure to tell my doctor that a dude literally named test subject being a hypocrite about untested medical treatments knows his shit better than him, next time he wonders how I got my numbers so clean, so quickly.

You started a tren cycle with high blood pressure and cholesterol well over 200. Are you telling me that you think that was smart?

Do you know what is proven to lessen tren side effects by 100%? Not taking tren.

When did I say that I knew better than your doctor? Are you telling me that your doctor told you that running a tren cycle was a good idea?
You started a tren cycle with high blood pressure and cholesterol well over 200. Are you telling me that you think that was smart?

Do you know what is proven to lessen tren side effects by 100%? Not taking tren.
I started a tren cycle after getting my shit under control with these things before my first pin.
I can't wait to hear what your doctor says when you tell him you're taking tren with shit blood pressure and cholesterol.
"God man, your LDL's are sitting around 95, this could be a catastrophe if they go jump 100 points in the next 30-40 years"

Yeah, me neither.
"Fuck man, this Lipitor sure is working. Now hand over the bacon."

That's basically what you're doing.

I'm not saying that herbal remedies can't be effective. What I am saying is that their contraindications are not well known and taking tren when you already have wonky health markers is a very unwise plan.
"Fuck man, this Lipitor sure is working. Now hand over the bacon."

That's basically what you're doing.

I'm not saying that herbal remedies can't be effective. What I am saying is that their contraindications are not well known and taking tren when you already have wonky health markers is a very unwise plan.
Do you... do you know how statins work?
Do you... do you know how statins work?

By... by inhibiting the enzyme that leads to the production of sterols. Yes, I do.

Are you trying to insinuate that if you eat a shit ton of cholesterol-laden foods while on a statin your LDL won't rise?

What exactly are you getting at?
By... by inhibiting the enzyme that leads to the production of sterols. Yes, I do.

Are you trying to insinuate that if you eat a shit ton of cholesterol-laden foods while on a statin your LDL won't rise?

What exactly are you getting at?
I'm getting at you should be proactive in preventing major illness or cardiac events at the least while on cycle, dandelions or not and my personal circumstances aside.