[Pharmacom] [Blood Work] [Test Cyp] [2016 March]


AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Blood work was done on March 1st, 2016. Blood was taking 35hrs from last pin. All pins were done on Mondays and Thursdays with the exception of last pin before draw which was done Sunday evening.

I've been running:

All Pharmacom

Test Cyp .8ml twice (400mg) EW for 7 weeks
EQ .7ml Monday .8ml Thursday (750mg) EW for 11 weeks
Tbol 50mg ED since January 31st
Anastrazolos .5mg EOD for 11 weeks

All above were from Black Friday Sale

I've also been using Ralox 60mg ED and Nolva 10mg ED (India Pharma Grade)

Blood work Pharmacom 1.png

Blood Work Pharmacom 2.png
Blood work was done on March 1st, 2016. Blood was taking 35hrs from last pin. All pins were done on Mondays and Thursdays with the exception of last pin before draw which was done Sunday evening.

I've been running:

All Pharmacom

Test Cyp .8ml twice (400mg) EW for 7 weeks
EQ .7ml Monday .8ml Thursday (750mg) EW for 11 weeks
Tbol 50mg ED since January 31st
Anastrazolos .5mg EOD for 11 weeks

All above were from Black Friday Sale

I've also been using Ralox 60mg ED and Nolva 10mg ED (India Pharma Grade)

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If you have any of this left, send it in to Simec.... Sub 4x is bullshit IMO.
Also, it looks like you have high White Blood cell count.. means your body's fighting an infection..Keep an eye on that bro! High RDW--planning on donating soon?
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If you have any of this left, send it in to Simec.... Sub 4x is bullshit IMO.
Less than 1/2.



Also, it looks like you have high White Blood cell count.. means your body's fighting an infection..Keep an on that bro! High RDW--planning on donating soon?

Yeah man I think I've got a sinus infection or something....sore throat, coughing, nose running all the time, blowing blood out of my nose. But, I don't feel too bad lol, maybe a little run down.

Could that be the reason for such low levels??

Also, I just donated about 2 weeks ago or so.
Yeah man I think I've got a sinus infection or something....sore throat, coughing, nose running all the time, blowing blood out of my nose. But, I don't feel too bad lol, maybe a little run down.

Could that be the reason for such low levels??

Also, I just donated about 2 weeks ago or so.
I don't think being sick will effect your TT when it's exogenous test. @Docd187123 ?
Thanks for sharing seven.

All pins were done on Mondays and Thursdays with the exception of last pin before draw which was done Sunday evening.

Just to clarify, did you still pin on the thursday before the test? and you just pinned on sunday instead of monday this week?
Blood work was done on March 1st, 2016. Blood was taking 35hrs from last pin. All pins were done on Mondays and Thursdays with the exception of last pin before draw which was done Sunday evening.

I've been running:

All Pharmacom

Test Cyp .8ml twice (400mg) EW for 7 weeks
EQ .7ml Monday .8ml Thursday (750mg) EW for 11 weeks
Tbol 50mg ED since January 31st
Anastrazolos .5mg EOD for 11 weeks

All above were from Black Friday Sale

I've also been using Ralox 60mg ED and Nolva 10mg ED (India Pharma Grade)

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Im not here to stand for any source and any one who knows me knows this but @Seven Dog these are the exact results I GET EVERY SINGLE TIME I SPLIT PIN. Usually 3-4x. You came in at 3.5. With all my labs. A single pin will yield much higher peaks.
Just goes to show, in my opinion, no ugl is %100 reliable across the board. I'm gonna have blood drawn in the next week or so off their test e and if it comes back lower than the last ugl shit I had (1700), I'm gonna be more disappointed than surprised.
i almost wonder if the protocol they use for the test will measure above 1500. seems like i have seen that number before 1514 with the same complaint. and underdosing test would be a stupid move on thier part so cheap ,no money in underdosing test.
My next question @Seven Dog is what's your blood work history show? The reason I ask is because there are so many misconceptions of how this TT numbers thing is supposed to work. Until you have a solid few cycles with the exact same protocol it is extremely difficult to say with any certainty where you stand.
Dam if you had the test E of this batch it would be over dosed... That stinks. But is each pin 200 mg or each pin 400 mg. If it is 200 mg a pin, wouldn't that be considered. like x8?

Each one .8 = 200mg x2 EW 400mg.