[Pharmacom] [Blood Work] [Test Cyp] [2016 March]

It's only done to decrease unfavorable side effects or in my case to avoid pinning a shit fucking ton of cc's at once:D

Unfavorable side effects that come with the huge spike and huge trough with single pinning
That's what I've always went by. Thanks man.
I follow almost the same protocol as Seven. I came back 6x on 500/week of cyp (250 2x weekly) and recently 9x on a different batch of cyp at 200/week (100 2x weekly). Only difference is I got bloods 24 hours after last pin. Both results posted here in this section. Seven weeks in on the 500 and six weeks into the 200.

Just out of curiosity have two members ever ran the same batch of test, following the same protocols and then gotten bloods to compare where the levels are? Would be interesting with all the results varying so much.
A friend and I used to run test from the same clinic . His bloods would routinely come back double mine on the same protocol.
This is pure speculation and I have no background in medicine.
I'm on Lipitor for high cholesterol. Untreated my total cholesterol is slightly over 350. On 10mg of Lipitor my total cholesterol drops to around 180. That is half the average dose. There are people whose cholesterol is in the mid to high 200 range and take 20mg to get them under 200 and there are some people that require 40mg. There are dosage variations for all medications because they will respond differently on different people because of body chemistry. Think about peoples E2 levels. There are some that are on 500mg of Test a week that need an AI some that need it on various compounds and then there are people like me that I rarely have to run an AI even on a gram of Test a week while running other compounds at the same time and I can usually get away with just running some Mast in my cycle. Why wouldn't Test level variations be expected as well.
How about we also discuss the CBC. 750mg/wk EQ and no elevated Red blood cells, low range hemoglobin and bottom end Hematocrit???

I have ran EQ @600/wk and had bloods show RBC through the roof! Hemoglobin over 19 and a 59 Hematocrit. It's been a few years, but I can maybe dig up the bloodwork. \\
I ask this for myself as well because I am currently running the EQ300 after running 12 wks of the EQ500, had bloods pulled and showed similar disappointing results. Plus I have ran a fair amount of EQ in past years and this feels nothing like it.
Interesting. In theory does someone like that just respond better to gear?
I have no idea. I will say he has a shit ton of other problems from Trt that I can't relate with too. Estrogen, prolactin, ED, his RBC is off the hook. At half dose his numbers match mine but he is still a wreck
How about we also discuss the CBC. 750mg/wk EQ and no elevated Red blood cells, low range hemoglobin and bottom end Hematocrit???

I have ran EQ @600/wk and had bloods show RBC through the roof! Hemoglobin over 19 and a 59 Hematocrit. It's been a few years, but I can maybe dig up the bloodwork. \\
I ask this for myself as well because I am currently running the EQ300 after running 12 wks of the EQ500, had bloods pulled and showed similar disappointing results. Plus I have ran a fair amount of EQ in past years and this feels nothing like it.
I just ran EQ (not pharmacom) and got similar results on bloods.

Dam, pharmacom not looking good here.

Op, was this from Basic?
How about we also discuss the CBC. 750mg/wk EQ and no elevated Red blood cells, low range hemoglobin and bottom end Hematocrit???

I have ran EQ @600/wk and had bloods show RBC through the roof! Hemoglobin over 19 and a 59 Hematocrit. It's been a few years, but I can maybe dig up the bloodwork. \\
I ask this for myself as well because I am currently running the EQ300 after running 12 wks of the EQ500, had bloods pulled and showed similar disappointing results. Plus I have ran a fair amount of EQ in past years and this feels nothing like it.

I have donated once during this cycle....it was a few weeks ago or so. January 30th to be exact.

Op, was this from Basic?

Damn this scares me kind of. I just ordered some pharmacom products last week, hopefully they are good.... just sustanon300 and some tren..... sorry for the bad news bro.
How about we also discuss the CBC. 750mg/wk EQ and no elevated Red blood cells, low range hemoglobin and bottom end Hematocrit???

I have ran EQ @600/wk and had bloods show RBC through the roof! Hemoglobin over 19 and a 59 Hematocrit. It's been a few years, but I can maybe dig up the bloodwork. \\
I ask this for myself as well because I am currently running the EQ300 after running 12 wks of the EQ500, had bloods pulled and showed similar disappointing results. Plus I have ran a fair amount of EQ in past years and this feels nothing like it.
contact pharmacom, he'll pay to have the gear tested at simec.
contact pharmacom, he'll pay to have the gear tested at simec.
Same situation as OP I'm afraid. I ran through the 500 and went to the last couple of 300's I had so I could get bloods done again. They were taken on Friday. Should see them by mid week, I'll post them up.

I got the EQ because of the results I saw posted from Simec. I won't make any accusations right now, but I can tell you I have called bunk gear before (3 suppliers specifically) and every time it was proven I was right. I know real EQ and how my body feels and responds, as well as a mountain of bloodwork (various indivuals, not just mine) Something is not right is all I'm saying right now
Just to be clear as I was not in my first post here. I ran the EQ500, and 300 both @ 900/wk ( as close as the math would allow)
Same situation as OP I'm afraid. I ran through the 500 and went to the last couple of 300's I had so I could get bloods done again. They were taken on Friday. Should see them by mid week, I'll post them up.

I got the EQ because of the results I saw posted from Simec. I won't make any accusations right now, but I can tell you I have called bunk gear before (3 suppliers specifically) and every time it was proven I was right. I know real EQ and how my body feels and responds, as well as a mountain of bloodwork (various indivuals, not just mine) Something is not right is all I'm saying right now

I could be wrong, but I think @Sampei donated a vial of EQ 500 to be tested.
Guys you Srsly panicky a lot and go on some crazy speculation.

I'm no pharmacom attorney but please let's use a bit of good sense here.

1) EQ doesn't have to raise blood cell like a mofo on everyone. On 600mg a week of EQ I don't notice almost any increase of rbc. On 900mg it does but at a normal pace. There are ppl using 1-1.5g and they are fine.

2) split dosage give lower peak level, how many times do we have to tell you?

3) how ppl respond to testosterone it's different!!!
You need 3-4 bloodwork done correctly to at least have an indication of where you stand related to testosterone level.

What I fucking mean is: I Sampei for example pinning pharma grade test E TESTOVIRON, bought in the fucking pharmacy, 250mg vial shooted 2x a week. Came back with a total test of 1986! Bloodwork done 24hr after pin at 6 week or something.

Should I sue BAYER for underdosed test????
Please! Give me a fucking brake here.

I have sended a vial of cyp by myself a month ago and got back at: 250mg/ml perfectly dosed.

I have just received test 500 and deca 600 simec testing and it's PERFECTLY DOSED. (Will post it later).

Does it mean pharmacom must be given for granted? No way.
Does it mean we should stop challenge frank? No way.

But at least let's do it with a grain of salt and let's stop looking like a fool.

Peace brothers in iron.
I just got bloods on sum pharacom test c and it came back 4x..... this is the second set of bloods i have ran with pharacoms line and both came back around 4x or 5x.
Someone asked to send in a vial of the cyp with the same batch number for testing and I've seen on others threads about pharmacom batch numbers about different things as well but I'm just wondering if anyone has noticed that all products have the same batch number whether it's tren test or mast or npp from what I've noticed of the products I've received. And the first round of testing and the second round of anoboliclab had all the same batch numbers as well. Correct me if I'm wrong I may be... I would think the batch numbers would be at least different for the different compounds... it'd make it hard to determine what's what if all the products have the same batch # right ? I've been wondering this for awhile now...
I haven't received my orders from Pharmacom yet, but I know one thing I do like about Pharmacom and Darius is that they are willing to pay for the testing of the vials sent by YOU, not vials pick and chosen by them. And you can post the results. So you got nothing to loose. All the speculation I see about Pharmacom in this thread, thats all it is in the end. Fucking speculation! Feelings or some other crap, not backed by real lab work. As Sempie has just vented, his trust his back by lab work, but we should ALWAYS stay vigilant regardless, to make sure not only Pharmacom but all others don't get complacent at their work and start fucking up.
Someone asked to send in a vial of the cyp with the same batch number for testing and I've seen on others threads about pharmacom batch numbers about different things as well but I'm just wondering if anyone has noticed that all products have the same batch number whether it's tren test or mast or npp from what I've noticed of the products I've received. And the first round of testing and the second round of anoboliclab had all the same batch numbers as well. Correct me if I'm wrong I may be... I would think the batch numbers would be at least different for the different compounds... it'd make it hard to determine what's what if all the products have the same batch # right ? I've been wondering this for awhile now...

Yeah my EQ 500 and Test Cyp 250 both have the same number.
  • This is his explanation for the batch numbers
Back to batch numbers. As I said we order raws not one by one, but lot of them within one bulk order. Just for example, today we buy say test p, test deca, test phenyl, nandrolone phenyl, tren h and dbol. All of them get a … how to call this in English… purchasing number. This number is in fact the batch number we use on vials. So raws purchasing number = final products batch number.

Why do we need this? Very simple, this allows us to know which raws we use in which vials.

Production technology is equal in all cases! High-accuracy Siemens production line allows manufacturing products with the same settings. All final products are manufactured in one and the same way by one and the same technology at one and the same Siemens equipment. This universal industrial decision allows to avoid lot of troubles and fully automate the process. Respectively the only thing which can influence the quality of products is … correct, raws. If somebody says makes a mass spec of our say mast p and it shows some discrepancy we always can check what is the purchasing = batch number on the vial and find out what batch of raws has been used exactly in this vial. This is all we need to know in fact. All other factors stays equal and can be checked in production logs. Siemens automation allows to check any log at any minute of any production process for last years. This info + info about raws batch is absolutely enough to analyze virtually any possible issue, if something comes out. Raws are also checked by mass spec or by a chromotograph to be more precisely. I mentioned this also already several times, however some of you don`t believe into it. This is already your decision.