Pharmacom- Deca 600mg/ml HPLC

Jano recommended that I send it via USPS untracked. That made a huge difference. I think it took about 7-10 days to get to him and it only cost me I think $5 for shipping.
Yep, I sent something as well and was around $2.80 or so. Only downside is if it gets lost, I'm out of the product. I'm curious to see how long it takes for mine to make it to him.
He doesn't care. When the results are bad he blames Jano. When they're good he keeps his rotton commie mouth shut. Fuck Pcom and their untested double priced gear.
If I could find a reputable US domestic supplier I would be willing to switch. I do like that my stuff ships and arrives in like 4 to 5 days tops
If I could find a reputable US domestic supplier I would be willing to switch. I do like that my stuff ships and arrives in like 4 to 5 days tops
Wait, you mean finding a reputable US domestic for basic aas? Are you having problems finding one here other than pharmacom?
If I could find a reputable US domestic supplier I would be willing to switch. I do like that my stuff ships and arrives in like 4 to 5 days tops
If you complain in their thread they'll just show you proof by spamming you with jacked Russian bodybuilders.
Wait, you mean finding a reputable US domestic for basic aas? Are you having problems finding one here other than pharmacom?
Have not looked crazy hard but not one with a site I can shop from that has been around for a while. Not sure on the whole email only system with some of them. I'd be willing to accept recommendations but again I also try to not treat this place as a source forum.