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You realize when if your pinning with the same needle you use to draw than its gonna hurt a lot more going in, cause your fucking dulling the needdle and theres lubracation your rubbing off! 18g for draw and 22g for pin cause I hate when my back cramps up while trying to push oil threw the 25g while reaching around to pin my glutes. 25 gauge takes so long and you have to press so hard that the needle wiggles around and tears your ass up from the inside literally
I like to draw my juice when I'm taking a shit, then I wipe my ass and pinn. Then i jump in the shower.
I do the same but after I shit I was my hands and use alcohol wipes on vials and area of pin for the day. imagine if a partical of shit made it onto your pin!
I do the same but after I shit I was my hands and use alcohol wipes on vials and area of pin for the day. imagine if a partical of shit made it onto your pin!
I was just joshing, I always shit before but I let my tren and masteron sit in hot water. I don't pin on the toilet.
Well I added their masteron propinate to my test, tren ace cycle. So far gtg. I was running test, npp, but switched at week 10.deffinity feeling the added sex drive.
Hey guys quick question so if I place a couple different orders for the promo does that mean I would be doing separate money orders and each order shipped separately?
The only thing I found was about deca 300
this was his quote on page 209 I think

there is a small thing here... yes, test e was good. But tren a and deca were not so good. I have already explained why. If we produce in huge amounts, oil temperature and viscosity at the moment when raws are added are of highest relevance. We did not quite took all parametrs into considaration and deviationsroughly within 10% are stillpossible. At least for oldbatches. Unfortunately i have to admit that we did not restock our domestic warehouse lastweeks so there is highopportunity, that out deca and tren a there are stil underdosedas Simec tests showed. But we had changes in technologicalprocess during shutwown when we reequipped our productionline for ampules production and now all details shall be takeninto account. I would very like to see results ofthesecompounвы again, from a new batch. The only thing which i foresee is... if we get goodresults you can as always say that we sent some special vials to the lab...which is not the case of course. In any case we will test our products not once and with the time we get more or less stable statistic, which will more and more reveal the whole picture.
I think in about 3 weeks longest after sample is sent result shall be here.

if i remember right, this is 24 hours.

yeap, lokks like my memory is not so bad yet. :) I just think that low result is possible due to frequent but low dosage pins. In other words if you pin 3x250mg/week you will in any way how much lower peak as if you pin 750 mf for once. or even 500 mg for once. more frequent pins create a more stable level but without high peaks.
also another thing - if you ping 750 mg per week it absolutely does not mean that you have real 750 mg in your blood. i guess you all imagine this curcve... I just found the first calculator and made 2 graphs. Here are results.

in first case we have 3x250 mg pins per week. In the second canse one 750 pin per week. The difference in the highest peak is pretty noticable. In fact the peak of the first graph is even lower as the lowest point of the second graph. For this reason for me personally frequent and small pins are not the best solution. However they keep the level more stable.

there is a small thing here... yes, test e was good. But tren a and deca were not so good. I have already explained why. If we produce in huge amounts, oil temperature and viscosity at the moment when raws are added are of highest relevance. We did not quite took all parametrs into considaration and deviations roughly within 10% are still possible. At least for old batches. Unfortunately i have to admit that we did not restock our domestic warehouse last weeks so there is high opportunity, that out deca and tren a there are stil underdosed as Simec tests showed. But we had changes in technological process during shutwown when we reequipped our production line for ampules production and now all details shall be taken into account. I would very like to see results of these compounвы again, from a new batch. The only thing which i foresee is... if we get good results you can as always say that we sent some special vials to the lab...which is not the case of course. In any case we will test our products not once and with the time we get more or less stable statistic, which will more and more reveal the whole picture.
I ordered 5 mix 2 and a bottle of ace around 5 weeks ago will they be affected. They have the new scratch lable. Or are your mixes brewed together?
how many bros use same needle to draw and to shoot? i have a shit ton of terumo 21x1" but i usually swap a 23g on after drawing with the 21g
I have always used one needle to draw and pin with, dont know why anyone swaps needles. Ive been doing this for many years, and like someone already said ive never had a doc or nurse swap needles they use the same one to draw and pin.
You realize when if your pinning with the same needle you use to draw than its gonna hurt a lot more going in, cause your fucking dulling the needdle and theres lubracation your rubbing off! 18g for draw and 22g for pin cause I hate when my back cramps up while trying to push oil threw the 25g while reaching around to pin my glutes. 25 gauge takes so long and you have to press so hard that the needle wiggles around and tears your ass up from the inside literally
No it doesnt, goes in smooth. I tried swapping once just to see if there was a difference and there was none.
But hey who cares, i say do whatever makes YOU feel good thats what i do [emoji4]


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