I asked to be corrected if I was incorrect on the pricing. Thanks a hell of a lot.
I was referring to your get gear on credit? I'll use an exclamation point after every sentence so you get that I'm upset about you correcting me when you aren't addressing the topic I was talking about! OK, frank!
I do apologize for my mistake on pricing! I'm certain you are still making money! Now, if you care to address how you are going to keep track of who owes and who has paid without storing info I'm all ears! You may want to read future posts thoroughly in order to save those punctuation marks for sentences that need them and for situations that warrant their use!! Gave you 2 of them there!
In addition...."long" is relative in describing posts..if you label mine as long how do we label yours?
i like you,really. Well, I addressed the issue (customers safety/personal data), which you raised. I think i gave a pretty proper reply. We provide an opportunity for customers to cover up traces. We offer bitcoin for anonymous payments. We offer the delivery way, which does not require signature, which means, that our customers theoretically could use fake names. But you already know this all. What can we do else? We are open to new ideas. If you have some improving proposals, i would be very glad to hear them.
You say we are here to make money... yes. Who said no? Our world is arranged so that we all need money for living. Milions of people spend a huge amount of time at their jobs, which they probably even don`t like, only to get this fucking money. Do they like it? I am sure most people would say no. Nobody likes to be dependent on something.
The difference between me and lot of people consists in the fact, that i like, what i do and do this not just to get money, but to do my best. It`s not just job, it`s a hobby. I don`t condider this as a job. This is very important. In other case you would see another attitude. I don`t care about what I am not interested in. You would not have customers service you have. Correct me if I am wrong, but in fact all... or at least the overwhelming majority of customers is satisfied with how i deal with them. This is job not just to get money. If I wanted only to get money I could sell cocaine, etc. It would bring by times higher profit. However, I am not the one, who thinks only about the money. You can believe it or not, but i would not deal with something, what as per my beliefs could harm people i am working with. For this reason I would never sell narcotic drugs, scam people, etc. I am not this type. If i promise that reimburse somebody`s expenses for example, i am guaranteed to do this. For this reason you won`t ever see any scamming reports about us. So...
To put it simply, if you say I am making money, I reply that you can say this about virtually all people...Too much philosophy.
Let`s make it easier. If you are not satisfied with something, tell us directly, what you don`t like and offer your enhancment. We will take it into consideration.
In addition... yes, yes. But have you noticed, i have not written long posts last time...
this one is an exception.