Somebody here used a Bitcoin ATM? Should be very safe (or am i wrong?) as you pay by cash direct to a wallet - or do they ask for a name? On the homepage it says something like "bring your wallet and pay by cash - 2.0000 XBT per day without registration"
So i can pay directly to the wallet without having an own wallet/entering the world of bitcoin?
is this a good value? they offer
1 XBT = 428.58 EUR right now
@Pharmacom Labs
Iam new to bitcoin... Since the values (how much Bitcoins you get for 1 Euro) differ how much do i have to pay? For instance calculate with a 200 Euro order....
i don't know whats the "real" bitcoin value or where to look but i found this homepage
BTC-E | Bitcoin Exchange, Namecoin Exchange, Litecoin Exchange, BTC Exchange ... 413.99 = 1 Bitcoin -> 200 euro would be 0,48
the value at my atm is 1 XBT = 428.58 EUR -> 200 Euro would be 0,46
So when i ordererd for 200 Euro how much Bitcoins i have to pay at the ATM (1 XBT = 428.58) ??