If there was Test being injected previous to injecting the current gear than yes, it would change the value. You should always get pre cycle blood work for health reasons tho. Then again at 5-6 weeks in and 3-4 weeks after PCT.
Like I said a lot depends on your injection timing. You pinned on Wednesday PM and tested Saturday AM, so your not in the peak 36-48 hour window. I'm not so sure it would drop from 2800 to your current number, but without testing in the 36-48 hour window, you just don't know. I would run it, see how you feel and Test again in a few weeks, but at the correct time. You could metabolize blood gear quickly.
@Docd187123 my friend, can you give us some of your insight to your belief on this. I know your explanation last time was spot on and would appreciate your input again brother.