oxandrolone "Anavar" lab max


image.png image.png just wanted to upload my lab max results. I had to film this myself, so sorry it's not better. My girl has been on 10mg for 3 weeks now. Acne and oily skin for sides and she has acted a little crazier than normal. Some strength gains so far and she can definetly tell a difference in her sensitivity during sex.

Sorry the video won't load from my phone, I'll try my computer later
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I guess you're doing this elaborate log so you can get the $100 store credit.
Thank you for your valuable contribution to MESO
Isn't that the whole point of the credit? Do a test, get a product credit, build your reputation, contribute to the board.
Build more credit for the company..
It all works together.
Isn't that the whole point of the credit? Do a test, get a product credit, build your reputation, contribute to the board.
Build more credit for the company..
It all works together.

While doing research I noticed anyome without an extensive history is called a shill or basically discredited. I figured I'd just be honest with my intentions and oh well if people don't like it.
Honestly... I say rock on.. Anyone would log for 100$z...people on here jump the gun to quick. As long as your keeping up with the log and everything, roll with it. Who gives a shit if you get a free 100? I sure as hell don't. Now, to make it legitimate to me.. Log your cycle if you can and post bloods mid cycle and continue to log. That would contribute most.

Best of luck to you and your lady and happy Easter
Honestly... I say rock on.. Anyone would log for 100$z...people on here jump the gun to quick. As long as your keeping up with the log and everything, roll with it. Who gives a shit if you get a free 100? I sure as hell don't. Now, to make it legitimate to me.. Log your cycle if you can and post bloods mid cycle and continue to log. That would contribute most.

Best of luck to you and your lady and happy Easter

Sweet, thanks man! That's a good idea. Sadly, she was pretty anxious to get in and didn't get labs done before starting. I will get them done mid cycle though. I can definetly do mine, but I'm just on TRT and wanted some extra cyp in case I wanted to do a small blast.
Sweet, thanks man! That's a good idea. Sadly, she was pretty anxious to get in and didn't get labs done before starting. I will get them done mid cycle though. I can definetly do mine, but I'm just on TRT and wanted some extra cyp in case I wanted to do a small blast.

Funny thats not what you said on the other thread where you just "popped up," and didn't have time to post on a forum every day because you "have better things to do."
Funny thats not what you said on the other thread where you just "popped up," and didn't have time to post on a forum every day because you "have better things to do."

I may keep a log and have her write in it weekly or bi-weekly. For $100 credit that isn't a ton of work.

What didn't I say? I didn't say she hadn't had labs done yet? Or that I may have her do them mid cycle? Maybe if you weren't such an asshole to a complete stranger online you would get a better response than the ones you have gotten. I would be a lot more willing to add more discussion and post if the forum wasn't filled with people like you. You are following someone around an internet forum trying to talk shit? Find something better to do with your life.
Bro, unlike you I want to include and share my experiences in the meso forum, after all that's what it's all about. It's not a source board, which you clearly think it is. In regards to your previous post, a wkm posts something and all of a sudden you can definitely post your logs to contribute but on the other thread you contradict that statement.gtfo, How about you add some HCG and get your balls back because being a keyboard bitch isn't working for you.
Bro, unlike you I want to include and share my experiences in the meso forum, after all that's what it's all about. It's not a source board, which you clearly think it is. In regards to your previous post, a wkm posts something and all of a sudden you can definitely post your logs to contribute but on the other thread you contradict that statement.gtfo, How about you add some HCG and get your balls back because being a keyboard bitch isn't working for you.

I didn't contradict myself. I've always said the only reason I started posting was because of the credit offered. That doesn't mean I can't contribute anything positive, just that I wanted to start off being honest with what made me decide to post.

ive never asked anyone for a source just posted on Darius' thread because he asks people who order from him to.

Are you the fucking Internet forum police? let me guess. You have a shit job, shit life, lift and sit on a forum all day. Congrats man. And you want to talk about contributing? Wtf do you contribute talking shit for no reason?
I didn't contradict myself. I've always said the only reason I started posting was because of the credit offered. That doesn't mean I can't contribute anything positive, just that I wanted to start off being honest with what made me decide to post.

ive never asked anyone for a source just posted on Darius' thread because he asks people who order from him to.

Are you the fucking Internet forum police? let me guess. You have a shit job, shit life, lift and sit on a forum all day. Congrats man. And you want to talk about contributing? Wtf do you contribute talking shit for no reason?
Take it eazy tiger. You gotta have thick skin at the Meso forum, it is uncensored. Whenever the time is due, post some bloods of whoever's test cyp you're running. That's a good contribution too. Take care. ;)
I didn't contradict myself. I've always said the only reason I started posting was because of the credit offered. That doesn't mean I can't contribute anything positive, just that I wanted to start off being honest with what made me decide to post.

ive never asked anyone for a source just posted on Darius' thread because he asks people who order from him to.

Are you the fucking Internet forum police? let me guess. You have a shit job, shit life, lift and sit on a forum all day. Congrats man. And you want to talk about contributing? Wtf do you contribute talking shit for no reason?

Lmao, you need to come at me with something more tangible Billy Badass. You must be a real tough guy, I better pipe down or you'll really let me have it. All I'm saying is don't be upset if you get called out on your bullshit. Contribute some shit for the better of the group or just keep your fucking cock holster shut and gtfo.