
What about SCOC ??? @Darius P

I jus
And to add to this question, do you ship to the US?
E - directed to Darius if there was any confusion.

We ship from Europe.
More than 90% of our customers are US based.
Shipping to US and Canada is bulletproof, special disguising packaging is used, never had a seized package since 2011.
Delivery takes 6-7 days to America and 3-4 days to Europe. Only priority airmail,tracking info is available, no signature required.
I jus

We ship from Europe.
More than 90% of our customers are US based.
Shipping to US and Canada is bulletproof, special disguising packaging is used, never had a seized package since 2011.
Delivery takes 6-7 days to America and 3-4 days to Europe. Only priority airmail,tracking info is available, no signature required.

I just found some test-C for $50 usd...

I'm ready for my savings... Seriously

That would come down to $47.50 I believe...
Back when I was on Evo CEO was pushing hard and they carried Pharmacom if it's the same stuff.
Real crazy packaging and vials with etching that would make a 13yr wanna shoot gear.
Never tried it but I always wondered if it was as good as everyone on Evo claimed.
Definitely some of the best product presentation I've ever seen.

Exactly my point in one of my posts above, where MoriorInvictus wrote that he found some negative comments about PharmacomStore.

On EVO there is a certain source that is being pushed aggressively by all admins, including CEO.
When PharmacomStore was registered in the "source review" thread from EVO it received 3 instant so called reviews from 3 EVO admins, including CEO and Hurricane.
All 3 reviews were claiming the gear is bunk, underdosed etc ... the exact same Pharmacom Labs gear sold on the website they so hard struggle to promote.

I gave up trying to find justice on EVO, it isn't worth it.

If you think you will be an asset and address our concerns , it may prove worth it. We only crucify scammers and trolls.
Exactly my point in one of my posts above, where MoriorInvictus wrote that he found some negative comments about PharmacomStore.

On EVO there is a certain source that is being pushed aggressively by all admins, including CEO.
When PharmacomStore was registered in the "source review" thread from EVO it received 3 instant so called reviews from 3 EVO admins, including CEO and Hurricane.
All 3 reviews were claiming the gear is bunk, underdosed etc ... the exact same Pharmacom Labs gear sold on the website they so hard struggle to promote.

I gave up trying to find justice on EVO, it isn't worth it.
I hear Ya on finding justice on Evo it's there way or the highway
and never question Dylan's authority or you will be banned,lol
This board may be a little rough around the edges but that's why were a Mans Board not a Dylan (Evo) board where we can say Fuck Sarms or question any new product being pushed and nobody's Pm'ing you with childish threats.
Exactly my point in one of my posts above, where MoriorInvictus wrote that he found some negative comments about PharmacomStore.

On EVO there is a certain source that is being pushed aggressively by all admins, including CEO.
When PharmacomStore was registered in the "source review" thread from EVO it received 3 instant so called reviews from 3 EVO admins, including CEO and Hurricane.
All 3 reviews were claiming the gear is bunk, underdosed etc ... the exact same Pharmacom Labs gear sold on the website they so hard struggle to promote.

I gave up trying to find justice on EVO, it isn't worth it.
I remember when you were posting about that and I lol 'd a little. Over at evo they push a few labs hard core, fucking sarms and the some horrible supplements. No matter what someone posts the mods jump in and recommend the same crap over and got old very fast. Hopefully people will get to try your lab and post up some results.
Every thread on evo has mods pushing n2bm or some other site. You cant post one thing without a mod coming in telling you that their product is all you need. I don't trust them at all to be honest.
My posts started disappearing at evo a couple of weeks ago. I haven't checked today to see if I'm banned after yesterday. One of the mods started a thread about the sarm source they all make money from talking about a huge sale. I expressed my condolences for a member who spent over $500 and said he was looking forward to results. I posted he simply wasted his cash.
My posts started disappearing at evo a couple of weeks ago. I haven't checked today to see if I'm banned after yesterday. One of the mods started a thread about the sarm source they all make money from talking about a huge sale. I expressed my condolences for a member who spent over $500 and said he was looking forward to results. I posted he simply wasted his cash.
This is exactly what happened to me over there had post and threads deleted or edited and then banned for giving my opinion about sarms.
I started saying ag guys is bunk rc chems you should buy pharma ai and I got banned after I called them out for trying to push ag guys
I hate to change the subject fella's but I think we are getting off track.

@Darius P are you going to address the SCOC?

I'm sure guys have already ordered from you just based on the link information that has been posted on the previous pages (especially with your fancy web-page). Also what about the guys that just "lurk" and never actually join the site that have also made orders. I'm sure you are already getting new customers based on this thread.

You stated back on Sunday that you would address the Source Code of Conduct and you have not. What's it gonna be bud?
Has anyone used them personally? Trying to get some feedback from someone who's been there and done that.

I hate to change the subject fella's but I think we are getting off track.

@Darius P are you going to address the SCOC?

I'm sure guys have already ordered from you just based on the link information that has been posted on the previous pages (especially with your fancy web-page). Also what about the guys that just "lurk" and never actually join the site that have also made orders. I'm sure you are already getting new customers based on this thread.

You stated back on Sunday that you would address the Source Code of Conduct and you have not. What's it gonna be bud?

Also has anyone heard word on this?
SCOC that is.
You're right, I'm sorry, I just found out about the SCOC and I'll do it right away.
My posts above were just an instinctive reaction to rightly defend my hard work and reputation.

Thank you!
Well it's been 8 days, every new source is held to these standards, " I'll do it right away" imo isn't 8 days.
Your products look good, I was hoping you would pan out but it aint looking too good right now.
I don't think people should be yelling "READ THE SCOC ARGH" to a remailer when (1) the SCOC is not even stickied, so new posters won't even know it exists and (2) remailers aren't labs, or at the very least this guy is obviously a rep and not the same person who produces their gear, so he probably has no way to get pictures of their autoclave or whatever else.
I don't think people should be yelling "READ THE SCOC ARGH" to a remailer when (1) the SCOC is not even stickied, so new posters won't even know it exists and (2) remailers aren't labs, or at the very least this guy is obviously a rep and not the same person who produces their gear, so he probably has no way to get pictures of their autoclave or whatever else.
Then come clean, why the fuck not!!! this dude read the SCOC and told us he would confirm, why not just tell the truth,, shit would be way better but fuck no dude went sideways.
Most people are agreeable and hate saying no. It's the nature of human psychology.

Is it stupid? Absolutely. Reading a conspiracy into it is probably a bad move, though.