Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

You'll like it, I'm ordering more as we speak.

Did you only got for the Artvigil or Modvigil also? I got both to try them, I think I read that the artvigil is like the new version of modvigil, like more specific for certain people with disorders actually needing the drug.
Did you only got for the Artvigil or Modvigil also? I got both to try them, I think I read that the artvigil is like the new version of modvigil, like more specific for certain people with disorders actually needing the drug.
Just tried the Artvigil brother
Not as bad as adderall....
Good I can't stand the stimulation from Aderrall. I can fight it and eat but totally kills your appetite. But if your pulling a double at work it'll keep ya going. Still don't like it. Stopped working for me even after a long break. Was suppose to order both and try em but got fucked financially.

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Answer my private message and tell me something good...
Mr.Pharmasource you have logged onto the board a few times since I asked for a response to my private message. Your response a couple days ago was---+++--"will know soon" ---+++--- I understand you are busy and this board is interesting but I would hope you would monitor your thread each time you log on to Meso.Thanks for the feedback, it's the holidays and everybody is on a schedule -- I am sure you understand. Thank you
Mr.Pharmasource you have logged onto the board a few times since I asked for a response to my private message. Your response a couple days ago was---+++--"will know soon" ---+++--- I understand you are busy and this board is interesting but I would hope you would monitor your thread each time you log on to Meso.Thanks for the feedback, it's the holidays and everybody is on a schedule -- I am sure you understand. Thank you

Sir you asked about WU payment and its need time to check and confirm. Your order was send second day after you send us details. If you need fastest confirmation in future , please use Bitcoin payment.
Got my pack today (HCG & ephedrine) and it was all good. Shipping time was 7 working days (EU).

Will order again. Also hope raws will be resonably priced.
Been on here 2 years longer and watching to see when a source logs in when you used WU and stressing over some info lmao
HeyJunior, obviously you missed what happened. I was conducting business-- you stuck your nose in it- I rubbed your nose in the shit you had no business in... Nothing funny about that..