Hey! Thanks for the reply! I've been on TRT since 2016. My testicles [always] shrink to the point you can barely see them unless I include 2-3 IUs of HCG twice per week. I stopped using HCG over 3 months ago because of shipping/supply delays with Covid out of Europe. However, I noticed the HGH kept my testicles massive. I didn't suspect there could be an issue until I recently read that some UG labs sell HCG claiming it's HGH. Thus, I wanted to share my experience with the users here for some feedback as well.Yes, in my case at least. I used to take 5mg of pharma cialis daily and liked it, still have some in the drawer, might check how I feel with them nowadays during vacations to compare.
Can't take them too often anymore as I practice some kind of fighting sport 6 days a week, and really don't apreciate the extra nose congestion.
HGH has no influence on testicle size afaik, besides I d rather order HGH from a vendor more famous for it, but been using HGH for 3 years now, some of it bought from the drugstore and hospital, and there s no visibly obvious effect from GH ime at this kind of dose
250-350 mg of test shoukd make a clearer difference though from ur natty performance and body shape
I plan on using a pregnancy test to confirm if it's HCG. Will report back.
Equally important, I've NEVER had an issue with Pharmasource since 2016.