Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

I did. Took very little just take a few notches off the top on my E. I still have a lot of it. Didn't get bloods on it obviously cause I'm good for nothing. [emoji26]
First time with pharma and he did everything correct. Although the dbol I got tastes like nothing when I chew them so not sure if that's good or bad. Figured it would be bitter
Hi brother, my Dbol order came today, never tried before.. can you comment on your experiences since friday?

Thansk man
Hi bros,

Just to update regarding an order.
12 days from payment, and my order arrived today. Dbol 100x25mg & Tamaxofin 30x20mg.

Packaged very well!IMG-20170201-WA0004.jpg



Didnt get a pic of the Tamox however its all good so thumbs up there.

Everything was vaccum sealed and the Dbol tabs came in 1 sealed foil bag, so above image is not how they came.
Hi bros,

Just to update regarding an order.
12 days from payment, and my order arrived today. Dbol 100x25mg & Tamaxofin 30x20mg.

Packaged very well!


Didnt get a pic of the Tamox however its all good so thumbs up there.

Everything was vaccum sealed and the Dbol tabs came in 1 sealed foil bag, so above image is not how they came.

i've said it before and i'll say it again.
You may have to be a noob, but you don't have to be a stupid one!
Hi bros,

Just to update regarding an order.
12 days from payment, and my order arrived today. Dbol 100x25mg & Tamaxofin 30x20mg.

Packaged very well!View attachment 59702 REMOVED View attachment 59704

Didnt get a pic of the Tamox however its all good so thumbs up there.

Everything was vaccum sealed and the Dbol tabs came in 1 sealed foil bag, so above image is not how they came.

This is not a yelp review and you did not order from Amazon. You purchased ILLEGAL DRUGS and you provided law enforcement with an EXACT timeline of your purchase, EXACT photos of your illegal drugs and the EXACT packaging that was mailed to YOUR address!

Pretty stupid what you did to yourself there. And not only that, you risk the vendor's entire operation because now LE knows exactly what to look for at customs!

Don't be an idiot next time and just say: "packaging discreet, turnaround was fast."

I'd be very careful having anything else mailed to you ever again after this extremely stupid thing you just did. You are now on everyone's radar and you even posted the tracking info so anyone can look it up to see your name and address! o_O

I hope you don't get blackmailed...