Hey bud,
Thanks for your reply. First, it's really easy for your messages and mine ot get lost in translation, and appreciate you having some class and trying to understand my logic. Unlike some other members here. If you go back and read my posts, I stated what works for me. Pinning .14ml is superior for me. I'm not looking at my blood work and using that as the basis for my injection schedule.
For example, when my blood work came back the first time, my doctor stated they were exactly what he would expect pinning 1ML per week. I felt like SHIT after 3 days; by day 5-7 all I wanted to do was sleep. In short, once I experimented with different injection schedules, injecting .14ml SubQ worked amazing for me. I feel like a champ! It's superior for me! I'm not trying to educate NOT mislead ANYONE. This is how I need to inject/dose test-C in order not to have fluctuating hormone levels.
As you know, and any veteran steroid user will AFFIRM, steroid dosages vary from one person to the next. As do the side effects.
I'm very squid like?? Haha...thanks.
I was taking the 2mg of ADEX because my doctor recommended it.
I supplemented NPP to [hopefully] speed up recovery of a sprained left bicep distal tendon that I almost tore when I was in France, I got hated on for being fucking American and got in a fight a few days before that picture you said I looked squid like...lol
Again, thanks for having some class and at least trying to delve deeper into my info and not being inappropriate. I'm not an expert, and that's why I am here. to share my experience and learn how I can improve with the community's insight.
Many thanks.