Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

I ran the sandoz my first cycle and the accord my 2nd. Ran 500 test cyp, 300 npp, and 80mg var ed and I didn't get gyno or high e2 symptoms at all. I'm usually on a pretty tight budget so I stay with pharma but also try the cheaper brands. Just ordered some of his pressed aromasin and I'll let you know how that goes this next blast a song I'm just cruising now until about march. Still can't make up my mind if I'm gonna run tren or primo.
Very cool! I'd like to try aramosin too. It's all my friend uses. Shit, he actually gave me all this adex I have. I don't think it's gonna be enough. However, I have access to my friends aramosin if I need it. He's been wanting me to switch over to it. The reason I've yet to do that is because when I ran my npp test cycle like 18 months ago, the adex IMO had me looking very "dry" with no puff at all. Have you ran his pressed tabs of var yet?
I ran the sandoz my first cycle and the accord my 2nd. Ran 500 test cyp, 300 npp, and 80mg var ed and I didn't get gyno or high e2 symptoms at all. I'm usually on a pretty tight budget so I stay with pharma but also try the cheaper brands. Just ordered some of his pressed aromasin and I'll let you know how that goes this next blast a song I'm just cruising now until about march. Still can't make up my mind if I'm gonna run tren or primo.
Very cool! I'd like to try aramosin too. It's all my friend uses. Shit, he actually gave me all this adex I have. I don't think it's gonna be enough. However, I have access to my friends aramosin if I need it. He's been wanting me to switch over to it. The reason I've yet to do that is because when I ran my npp test cycle like 18 months ago, the adex IMO had me looking very "dry" with no puff at all. Have you ran his pressed tabs of var yet?
Ran his pressed var say cycle. It was my first time running it as I could definitely tell when I didn't run it pwo. Only thing I didn't like was occasional back pumps and hamstring cramps. I just ordered some more for myself and a lady friend of mine and when it gets in I'll be posting a pic of the labmax.
Very cool! I'd like to try aramosin too. It's all my friend uses. Shit, he actually gave me all this adex I have. I don't think it's gonna be enough. However, I have access to my friends aramosin if I need it. He's been wanting me to switch over to it. The reason I've yet to do that is because when I ran my npp test cycle like 18 months ago, the adex IMO had me looking very "dry" with no puff at all. Have you ran his pressed tabs of var yet?
I have, they're pretty good. Nice pump
Ran his pressed var say cycle. It was my first time running it as I could definitely tell when I didn't run it pwo. Only thing I didn't like was occasional back pumps and hamstring cramps. I just ordered some more for myself and a lady friend of mine and when it gets in I'll be posting a pic of the labmax.

Gunna be good to see the labmax brother looking forward to that as I have some on the way also.