Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Well boys blood has been drawn no only to wait for the results it's been 48hrs since my last pin taking 750mg Norma Hellas test E let's see what we get
Isn't better to get blow drawn 30-35 hours after last pin ?
In order to get peak #
Or you just want the stable one ?
Isn't better to get blow drawn 30-35 hours after last pin ?
In order to get peak #
Or you just want the stable one ?
It's the best I can do I inject Sunday Tuesday Thursday I work Monday Tuesday's before my next pin was the only time I could do it
Ho I see .
Yeah schedule can be difficult at times .
So 5 days to get result ?
They told me 48 to 72 hours so I'm hoping tomorrow I'm hoping that since I pin long esters three times a week my blood levels should be pretty stable at this point but let's see