Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

I used the .ch last time with a fast reply. He mislabeled it in the first page of the thread is the reason I was asking which one. As far as return time you know Europe has a shit ton more holidays and days off than we do. Never had a problem with communication so who knows.

Yea, who knows...

I just had a question and saw another person stated his wasn't answered.

It's all good...

Yes I'm using the .ch no reply
Can somebody give me some fed back on there orals. I'm interested in the
Thanks and good morning
Yes that's correct. In about a week your workouts should be getting easier and about 2-3 week you should be hitting PR's every workout on most of your big 3 lifts. Bench, squat and dead
Crazy pumps on 20mg a day? Nice.
yea split in two doses about 5 hrs apart. i also dont use high doses on injectables ether its what works for bro
i stared cycle on Monday
1-12 test c 400
1-10 deca 300
1-4. dbol 20
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Ok just want to know if there the same Raws I received.I have the dbol and anadrol.came in silver sealed bags.I'll post a pic later if that's cool?