Pharmasource EU pharmaceuticals

Anyway guys, you can make order now, but will be shipped from Monday. We have now 4-5 working days from payment to sending day.
Daily amount of send packs is unfortunately limited and we have many orders.
Thanks for understanding
A friend received a pack, pretty fast at an 11 day t/a, he couldn’t pass up the buy 3 get 1 free deal, didn’t get the freebies promised in the price list but it wasn’t a big deal. Only thing he was upset about is if he waited he would of been able to get an even better sale lol
a few tips for you guys

After payment please send us a shipping address WITH FULL INFO

Dave Palumbo
Muscle beach 25 ap. 2
sweet home Alabama
666 66

If you are asking about tracking number, please USE STILL THE SAME THREAD of e-mails, do not make new ! Because if I receive new e-mail from , sorry guys, I really dont know who you are :)
I can remember may be 5-6 guys who have 50+ orders with me, but not all of you.
A friend received a pack, pretty fast at an 11 day t/a, he couldn’t pass up the buy 3 get 1 free deal, didn’t get the freebies promised in the price list but it wasn’t a big deal. Only thing he was upset about is if he waited he would of been able to get an even better sale lol

If freebees was not included, send me e-mail, will be doubled in next order