pimples and acne on the cycle


New Member
Hi everyone,
I would like to know what you think is the best way to prevent acne, and if you already have it, how to get rid of it, especially on the back. I haven't started my first cycle yet but I have quite a few pimples on my back, I think I'm prone to getting them
Prevent - run 10 mg accutane daily whole cycle.

If it is already bad, start with something like 40-60 mg per day and do 10 mg per day as soon it gets better.
How old are you?

Have you tried anything yet for the acne (antibiotics, salicylic acid body wash, hygiene, etc.)?

Do you plan on running an orals?

Consider consulting a dermatologist who can monitor bloodwork if you try Accutane.
When I was a teen I was prescribed accutane and I never had so much as one zit up until recently. I upped my TRT dose from 150mg to 200mg and have started getting small pimples on my chest and shoulders. Nothing crazy, just a few here and there. On my dose of 150mg I did not need an AI and have around 1000 total test with an SHBG around 19. Never took an AI and never had any symptoms of high E. I'm wondering if the new does of 200mg has made my E creep up and now I need a small dose of AI to manage or if this is just a temporary blip and my body will be fine once I adjust to the new dose and reach homeostasis. I'll probably get bloods in a couple weeks to see where my estradiol is at. Unfortunately the urologist I get my test from doesn't really check that and doesn't believe an AI should be needed at therapeutic doses. When I mentioned concerns he offered me Caber without even checking if there was a prolactin issue. It's unfortunate because unless I go the clinic route I don't think there are many other providers to go to in this shithole state.

Initially thought the pimples might be focculitis because they appeared after shaving my chest and then going for a massage. What has been working for me is washing my chest with hibiclens, then using a 10% benzo wash. After the shower I apply clindamycin that my dermatologist prescribed.
Make sure you’re staying clean first off, change your sheets and shower often. Id get something like panoxyl to wash yourself with.