Pinning Quads


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This may just be a case of needing to man-up and deal with it, but I wanna check what other's specific experiences have been, after searching the site.

First time pinning quads. Day one went as easy as it could be. Made the process so much easier than the glutes. However, by the afternoon my thigh was really sore -- hard, hot and flushed by evening. By the next day I couldn't flex my right quad without a lot of discomfort. But there was never any fever, or spreading, no real lump (just hardness at the injection site). After about 4 days, on Advil, I was relieved that the pain and swelling started to improve. After a week, there is only residual tenderness when I press on it, but otherwise full range of pain free motion.

So on my 2nd pin day, I chalked most of it up to pinning 2ml of cold oil loaded with 600mg of test. So I warmed up 1ml/300mg test, pinned my left quad and massaged well afterward. The soreness showed up later this time, but still there by evening. As before it's now about 4 days later and the soreness is starting to improve. Pinning 1ml instead of 2 seems to have been easier, but it's hard to say.

So here it is, a week later and time to pin the right quad again. I've been thinking I should pin my glutes this time, even if it's a PITA, but I'm also thinking I just needed to get my quad used to having the oil in there, and maybe the best course of action is to just go ahead an pin the right quad again, and maybe it will improve with each time? I know the first time I pin the glutes there was some soreness to deal with, I just don't remember it being this bad, and maybe it isn't due to the tightness of my quads, etc. Maybe this is the reality, and I just need to suck-it-up for the "pain/gain" formula.
My ass was sore for 5 days my first it has been alot better since .....but im only pinning 1 ml at a time...and only twice a week so i just rotate glutes...
This may just be a case of needing to man-up and deal with it, but I wanna check what other's specific experiences have been, after searching the site.

First time pinning quads. Day one went as easy as it could be. Made the process so much easier than the glutes. However, by the afternoon my thigh was really sore -- hard, hot and flushed by evening. By the next day I couldn't flex my right quad without a lot of discomfort. But there was never any fever, or spreading, no real lump (just hardness at the injection site). After about 4 days, on Advil, I was relieved that the pain and swelling started to improve. After a week, there is only residual tenderness when I press on it, but otherwise full range of pain free motion.

So on my 2nd pin day, I chalked most of it up to pinning 2ml of cold oil loaded with 600mg of test. So I warmed up 1ml/300mg test, pinned my left quad and massaged well afterward. The soreness showed up later this time, but still there by evening. As before it's now about 4 days later and the soreness is starting to improve. Pinning 1ml instead of 2 seems to have been easier, but it's hard to say.

So here it is, a week later and time to pin the right quad again. I've been thinking I should pin my glutes this time, even if it's a PITA, but I'm also thinking I just needed to get my quad used to having the oil in there, and maybe the best course of action is to just go ahead an pin the right quad again, and maybe it will improve with each time? I know the first time I pin the glutes there was some soreness to deal with, I just don't remember it being this bad, and maybe it isn't due to the tightness of my quads, etc. Maybe this is the reality, and I just need to suck-it-up for the "pain/gain" formula.
I'm pinning 3ml at a time right now and glutes are easiest in terms of pip for me. Maybe a day or 2 but nothing bad by any means. I haven't liked doing quads, but it just occurred to me a couple weeks ago (and I asked a few guys here) that I have been pinning my quads with 23g 1.5" pins, same as glutes... Which is probably unnecessary. I'm goin to order different pins to try out in my quads and see if it changes.

What size and length are you pinning with at different sites?
Ive been pinning glutes since the 80s im rarely ever sore and if i am its a 2 on a scale of one to 10 and never lasts more then 1 day. Also i have no scar tissue what so ever. Just pin glutes and forget about it. Course if your gear is dirty its always gonna hurt. Jmho!!

for me it was my error that caused pip that bad...had a hard time keeping steady pushing th oil through and moved the pin around alot in my glute ....not always dirty gear...imo
for me it was my error that caused pip that bad...had a hard time keeping steady pushing th oil through and moved the pin around alot in my glute ....not always dirty gear...imo
That happens with me too with my glutes. All that fuckin twisting is hard to keep my hand steady at times
I only pin 1ml in quad at a time. I use 23gauge that are 1 inch long. I hardly ever have pip. if you want to pin more than 1ml due it in your glute or move it around in different parts of your quad.
No pain no gain right? That's what I've been told anyway, lol.
I will tell you this it had been several years since my last cycle so when I started my current cycle and started pinning my delts and quads it hurt like heck. I could barely lift my arm and my legs were just like you described. I chalked it up to virgin muscles since it had been 6 years since they had been pinned. But I recently ran out of the gear I was pinning in the delts and quads so I started another brand and holy crap batman! So all along it was just the pip from the other brand that hurt so bad. I went through 10ml of that crap pinning delts and quads and just dealt with the pain. It sucked and I won't be buying that brand again [emoji4].
Not saying that's your problem but it was definitely mine. Just thought I'd let you know my experience. By the way I use 25g 1" for delts and quads and I pin 1.5ml in quads. Good luck brother.
....not always dirty gear...imo
It seems to boil down to dirty gear in a lot of threads. I'm using 1" 23g needles. I've used this Elite Fitness Test before in glutes with no problems. This batch is 3 years old now, but it's not cloudy, nor are any other impurities visible with the naked eye. (mfg. 10/2011, exp. 10/2014, Ing. Test Prop 30mg/Test Phenylprop 90mg/Test Enanthate 180mg, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate, Guaiacol, Ethyl Oleate BP, Sesame Seed Oil Refined BP). The fact that things start improving after about the second day, suggests I'm not dealing with an infection, at least not a severe one. If it is an infection, then presumably I've got a lot of antibodies built up in the pin site, so the next one should go more smoothly.

I feel like I should just give this a go in my right quad again and see what happens. If it's bad gear then it won't really matter where it's going. But otherwise, it seems like it's fairly potent -- my body is reacting very well to the test, and at 900mg/1st week I'm already feeling pretty pumped. As far as impurities causing the pain, is there anything I can do to "clean" the gear? I've read something about a pressure cooker ...
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I don't like pinning quads either. Sometimes it smooth, other times I'm sore for a week. I'm pinning 3 x week right now. I just rotate glutes. No soreness, and once you get technique down it's easy.
It seems to boil down to dirty gear in a lot of threads. I'm using 1" 23g needles. I've used this Elite Fitness Test before in glutes with no problems. This batch is 3 years old now, but it's not cloudy, nor are any other impurities visible with the naked eye. (mfg. 10/2011, exp. 10/2014, Ing. Test Prop 30mg/Test Phenylprop 90mg/Test Enanthate 180mg, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate, Guaiacol, Ethyl Oleate BP, Sesame Seed Oil Refined BP). The fact that things start improving after about the second day, suggests I'm not dealing with an infection, at least not a severe one. If it is an infection, then presumably I've got a lot of antibodies built up in the pin site, so the next one should go more smoothly.

I feel like I should just give this a go in my right quad again and see what happens. If it's bad gear then it won't really matter where it's going. But otherwise, it seems like it's fairly potent -- my body is reacting very well to the test, and at 900mg/1st week I'm already feeling pretty pumped. As far as impurities causing the pain, is there anything I can do to "clean" the gear? I've read something about a pressure cooker ...

I just use a filtered needle to draw all my gear with.
I love pinning quads. Lots of area to pin and easy to do. I pin 3cc in them quite often with very little pip. I've had a few bad one's but it's usually the gears fault. You might try moving to a different area of your quad and see if that helps.