Pinning Quads

It's good to see that I'm not alone in the fact that I actually like pinning. I go as far to say I'm semi addicted to the process :)

I just draw my brew, set the syringe under hot running water for about 45sec, then release the demons
For quads I take a warm shower, foam roll, inject, foam roll again, then bike or something for a few min to get my blood moving. When I have the time to do all this, no pain ever.
heating pad works well..hit the upper outside of your quad and try to pin quads before leg workout
P.S. -- I say the gear is good, meaning there do not seem to be any impurities the .22 micron Whatman filter removed based on PIP between that and unfiltered pin. That said, it is 300mg Test Prop, E, & PhenylProp crammed into 1ml. I'm clearly having a reaction, whether it's to the Test, oil, or BA used. Or I just have really sensitive quads, that don't take well to having 1-2ml of oil squeezed into them. The final thing I could try is to pin my glutes and see if I have any PIP. But after my last pin in my quad with diminished PIP, I'd rather have the convenience over the minor pain. Advil seems to manage it just fine.
I'm a junkie for pins, steroids and tattoo's!!!!!!!!
Haha ... me too. I just realized it's like a condom for me. I get a boner when a chick goes for the condom, cause I know I'm gonna get laid, even if it doesn't feel as good. I get all giddy when I pull the gear out, and I swear I feel a pump as soon as it goes in. Who am I kidding, I'd like it to be less painful, but I was never gonna stop if it didn't get any better.
For anyone following this -- three words:

Know Your Anatomy.

I just pinned my right quad for the 4th time, after a disastrous 2nd pin, where I think I injected too low, or between muscles, or not deep enough. Swelled my whole leg up. Now I know it wasn't bad gear.

Point is, even though the spot I injected looked textbook, I think it was again too low, and possibly not into the correct muscle. I did push the pin all the way in this time, so hopefully the oil made it far enough into some muscle. But there was a lot of pain pushing that sucker in, which I've not yet had.

Anyway I did some Googling, and found this thread:

Which produced this link:

Note that they outline the area of the quad safe to inject, but inject at the highest part.

So it boils down to individual anatomy. I'm sure the area of my quad was well within the box, but I wasn't far enough to the side of my thigh to hit the lateral directly. The higher up you go, the further toward the top I can find my lateral. So I'm thinking I hit the rectus femoris, or worse between them. I'll know if my knee and leg swell up again as the oil slides down. The good news is I will know what's causing it this time, and that it will pass within a week or so.

Either way, I have a much better understanding of where my quads muscles connect now. Wish I'd done my homework before ...

Well it didn't slide down to the knee again, but I would swear I hit the rectus femoris, instead of the vastus lateralis. The PIP was localized right under the center of my leg, instead of to the side for the previous 4 injections. Maybe the needle went between the muscles, but deep enough to hit the vests from the bottom side? Well, no blood on aspiration, and muscle is muscle.

I did draw my first blood today pinning quads. I withdrew completely and changed needles (I've pulled it out slightly in the past in my glutes, reaspirated and injected if it was clear with no problems), as I was afraid to inject shallow in my quads after possibly doing that earlier and having the old move down my leg to my knee.

So, I'm doing my second cycle pinning quads. This time I'm using Test Cyp only (rather than TriTest), 200mg/ml vs. 300mg/ml. The Test Cyp is Pharma-grade, the TriTest was ugl.

The other change this time was using a 27g needle vs. 23g. Lots of variables changed, but there's significantly less PIP after these injections than my last cycle. The injection site soreness took an additional day to show up and is dissipating almost as fast as it appeared. Things are going much more smoothly.

So, I'm doing my second cycle pinning quads. This time I'm using Test Cyp only (rather than TriTest), 200mg/ml vs. 300mg/ml. The Test Cyp is Pharma-grade, the TriTest was ugl.

The other change this time was using a 27g needle vs. 23g. Lots of variables changed, but there's significantly less PIP after these injections than my last cycle. The injection site soreness took an additional day to show up and is dissipating almost as fast as it appeared. Things are going much more smoothly.
Just to clarify- what brand is this pharm grade? many ugl's put "Pharma Cyp." or whatever on their packaging.

Also, a lot of alleged pharm grade is counterfeit, FYI.
The other change this time was using a 27g needle vs. 23g

Dang... I have to push like a madman to get more than 1ml through 25g in a reasonable amount of time. Your thumb must be jacked as hell using a 27g!
Just to clarify- what brand is this pharm grade? many ugl's put "Pharma Cyp." or whatever on their packaging.

Also, a lot of alleged pharm grade is counterfeit, FYI.

Dang... I have to push like a madman to get more than 1ml through 25g in a reasonable amount of time. Your thumb must be jacked as hell using a 27g!

I think it took me around 30 seconds to push 2ml through the 27g the first time, and that was pushing hard. At first I thought the plunger was stuck, and I ended up moving the needle around a lot more than I intended, but still very little pain, and no bleeding. I think 1ml is about all I have the strength to push though without taking a break and risk moving it around. I always intentionally took 30 seconds to push 1ml with my 23g needles, even though I could do it in a few seconds. So being forced to push it through with steady pressure is just fine for me.

I like the idea that I'm doing less tissue damage, and reducing the scar tissue over time.

