pinning sites/frequency.


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So I have 8 pin sites. I pin ed. I have cut off my shoulders because they hurt to much. I judt dont like them. I only can pin shoulders on leg days. But that being said.

How long should one wait to pin the same spot. Like biceps. I pinned biceps 6 days apart. My left bicep 5-6 days ago. I did it again today and it was only 2cc. Which is the amount i pinned last time. But it hurt much more then usual.

How long between sites should you wait to pin the spot again?

Does short esters vs long esters change this?

I have 6 roation sites. Is 6 days enough time fore pil to absorb so I am not pinning on top of old oil causing pip.
I only pin short esters EOD, but I rotate between VG and glutes (I don't like the prop sting in my arms) and I've never had a problem. About a week between is safe as long as your volume is low to moderate. Smaller sites obviously require more time between injections or they're going to hurt.

Another thing that helps is slightly altering your position within the site itself.
You pinned 2cc in your bicep?!?! Wtf? I pin 2cc max in my quad... a much larger muscle. No wonder your arm hurts man.
I just pin quads EOD when I'm on cycle, each leg gets hit once every 4th day and with the size of the muscle, there is plenty to work with. 3CCs is usually what I stick with, as it seems to hold that much oil well... probably more but I don't have a reason to try

I only pin short esters EOD, but I rotate between VG and glutes (I don't like the prop sting in my arms) and I've never had a problem. About a week between is safe as long as your volume is low to moderate. Smaller sites obviously require more time between injections or they're going to hurt.

Another thing that helps is slightly altering your position within the site itself.
Dude, no idea why but of all the injection spots, I can't grasp and visualize the concept of ventro-glutes. Any secrets?
Dude, no idea why but of all the injection spots, I can't grasp and visualize the concept of ventro-glutes. Any secrets?

You're basically aiming for the bump above the depression of your leg right beside your hip bone. Stick your leg out, mark it with the syringe cap (before you wipe down) and pin.

Do NOT hit your TFL because it hurts like bloody murder. If it burns, you're too far forward.
Hormones with No Ester are ideal for site work because they are active in the site with a normal half life. Therefore taking effect on the most localized tissue, the "site". Injectable dbol or anadrol (already ester free), and test or tren NE (No Ester). Also it is recommended to use smaller pins for site inj., so as not risk tears, not build up scar tissue and reduce soreness. Also as Test_Subject stated altering sites is a good practice. This can be achieved by moving or rotating your injection site 2cm each time per muscle. High volume pins should also be split up between muscles or sides of the body, plus it spreads the juice much more efficiently for a full body effect.:D Just my 2 cents
You pinned 2cc in your bicep?!?! Wtf? I pin 2cc max in my quad... a much larger muscle. No wonder your arm hurts man.
no you would think so. but I have done 3 cc. But I cannot pit any in shoulders. Everytime I raise my arms It hurts and has a lingering pain for about 1 minute. Like a bad bruise is being grabbed. But my bicep pain last morning only lasted 2 hrs. And that was when I flexed it. It never used to do that. thats why I am thinking that oil might not be done abosorbing or something.
I just pin quads EOD when I'm on cycle, each leg gets hit once every 4th day and with the size of the muscle, there is plenty to work with. 3CCs is usually what I stick with, as it seems to hold that much oil well... probably more but I don't have a reason to try

Dude, no idea why but of all the injection spots, I can't grasp and visualize the concept of ventro-glutes. Any secrets?
The lower towards the knee i pinn the more it hurts and I get pip. I think its because there is more contraction going on there. But When I pin up towards hip it is less painful.
But there is not pain for quads. I pin them to. I pin biceps, quads, glutes. I did do shoulders but they hurt and leak ALOT.
Hormones with No Ester are ideal for site work because they are active in the site with a normal half life. Therefore taking effect on the most localized tissue, the "site". Injectable dbol or anadrol (already ester free), and test or tren NE (No Ester). Also it is recommended to use smaller pins for site inj., so as not risk tears, not build up scar tissue and reduce soreness. Also as Test_Subject stated altering sites is a good practice. This can be achieved by moving or rotating your injection site 2cm each time per muscle. High volume pins should also be split up between muscles or sides of the body, plus it spreads the juice much more efficiently for a full body effect.:D Just my 2 cents
so if I pin quads. I can move it a couple inches away from last pinned spot and pin quads again? I thought you only can pin the muscle once. and then you need to wait, or else there is pain.
so if I pin quads. I can move it a couple inches away from last pinned spot and pin quads again? I thought you only can pin the muscle once. and then you need to wait, or else there is pain.

2 centimeters, not inches. With the esters it shouldn't be so frequent. So you can rotate and pin less often. Site injections are meant to be done Pre workout with a non esterfied hormone, so it can act immediately, and locally. You only pin a site on that sites workout day. Other pins that aren't for S.I. should also be rotated to prevent scar tissue build-up. As for your pain and swelling. Two things to consider. Does your gear have E.O. (ethyl oleate) in it, and are you allergic to it? Secondly, too much oil in any site can create pressure in the tissue like a tight balloon. The depot of oil, is like a pocket, and it can get overfilled to a point where it ruptures the tissue. So please be careful. Maybe wait a few days and let those sites go down and heal a little before pinning again. The longer esters will keep you going, anyway. Bro, your health comes first, and I think your body is telling you something. But I'm not here to be mother hen, just lookin' out. Have you used the inj. site below? Great for normal injections. Little to no pain when done correctly. But a lot of time the pain is from the gear. High % BA/BB ratio, and sometimes E.O. allergies. Check it out.

Left glute, right glute

22g, 1.5" needle. I call them harpoons
Sometimes I'm more sore than other days

Only ONCE did I see blood when aspirating
That was freaky



Those mixing tren with other compounds per shot:
Do you notice how mixing order decreases tren cough?
It might be psychosomatic, but if I draw the tren at the end, I get little to no cough
Left glute, right glute

22g, 1.5" needle. I call them harpoons
Sometimes I'm more sore than other days

Only ONCE did I see blood when aspirating
That was freaky



Those mixing tren with other compounds per shot:
Do you notice how mixing order decreases tren cough?
It might be psychosomatic, but if I draw the tren at the end, I get little to no cough
I still get it. I do not actually cough, but I feel my lungs getting tight. It sort of feels like when I used to shoot up cocaine. My lungs felt weird.
If I draw the tren first or second, I can feel it hit me right away
So weird
yes when drawn individually. But when I ran a tren mix I didnt ever get the cough, and when I ran tren alone I never got it. But When I put 1 cc of test or npp with 1 cc of tren I get it half the time.
Maybe the oil is not mixing together completely. The gear is probably still separated due to viscosity. I like to draw the plunger back and leave a space in the syringe. This allows me to use the air bubble to mix the gear back and forth. It does two things for me. MIxes the gear evenly, and allows me to remove all tiny air bubbles from gear.
I rotate lateral quads, delts and the tops of my quads. Anything over 1.5cc goes lateral quads. Any less goes delts and tops of quads. I can get away with a 4 or 5 day break in the same site, but try to give a week between shots when possible.

Also, I'm using a tren ace, mast p, npp blend, and after 6 weeks I have experienced zero tren cough.
I pin nothing but glutes and pin eod m/w/f and alternate cheeks (obviously I need more sites). Haven't had an issue to date although I'm sure I'm increasing scar tissue in my glutes due to this.


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