Pip? Reaction? Swollen, sore, cant walk

What up everyone.

I was starting a cycle dbol and sustanon. First shot into quad and my leg got real swollen and painful about 12 hours later.

23g 1" 2.25 ml as a "frontload", for a 500mg/week cycle. My plan was first shot 2.25ml then 1ml or 250mg per shot 2x per week for 12 weeks. First shot was 3 days ago, today is the next shot day. Oil was not warmed but was throughly massaged. This was the start of my 3rd cycle. I have not used sus before, only test e. I expected some pip. I did not expect not being able to stand or walk. There is no signs of a infection, no redness, possibly feels a little warmer than usual but minimal. It came from a reputable ugl.

So my questions are, how to proceed? Do I continue with my plan? I can hardly move my leg, let alone do a decent workout. I have test e on hand do I switch? Do I stop now and hold off for a bit? Is this a reaction to the oil or something in the oil?
Could be the carrier oil, could be the solvents…really just speculation at this point.

You could try doing smaller injections across multiple muscles to see if the first pin was just a fluke reaction.

In general though, I avoid sustanon. It’s a very outdated school of thought. Best to stick with test e or c if looking for long ester. Also, I wouldn’t front load.

In the end, if gear is causing you to skip workouts or avoid day to day events, it has to get the boot - no question.
What up everyone.

I was starting a cycle dbol and sustanon. First shot into quad and my leg got real swollen and painful about 12 hours later.

23g 1" 2.25 ml as a "frontload", for a 500mg/week cycle. My plan was first shot 2.25ml then 1ml or 250mg per shot 2x per week for 12 weeks. First shot was 3 days ago, today is the next shot day. Oil was not warmed but was throughly massaged. This was the start of my 3rd cycle. I have not used sus before, only test e. I expected some pip. I did not expect not being able to stand or walk. There is no signs of a infection, no redness, possibly feels a little warmer than usual but minimal. It came from a reputable ugl.

So my questions are, how to proceed? Do I continue with my plan? I can hardly move my leg, let alone do a decent workout. I have test e on hand do I switch? Do I stop now and hold off for a bit? Is this a reaction to the oil or something in the oil?
I've never had injections so bad I couldn't walk but I've had some that definitely went wrong. Why not take ibuprofen and just order Test C from another source and continue the cycle? I wouldn't abandon a cycle on account of your reaction to one sources test.
Could be the carrier oil, could be the solvents…really just speculation at this point.

You could try doing smaller injections across multiple muscles to see if the first pin was just a fluke reaction.

In general though, I avoid sustanon. It’s a very outdated school of thought. Best to stick with test e or c if looking for long ester. Also, I wouldn’t front load.

In the end, if gear is causing you to skip workouts or avoid day to day events, it has to get the boot - no question.
Abort mission. Not worth it. Don't do that to yourself.
Thanks for the input. I think im going to stop for now and see what happens.

It's more swollen today and can hardly bend my knee. Once this shit over I will try a small pin like .25 ml and see what happens.
I've never had injections so bad I couldn't walk but I've had some that definitely went wrong. Why not take ibuprofen and just order Test C from another source and continue the cycle? I wouldn't abandon a cycle on account of your reaction to one sources test.

I do have test e on hand (rotexmedica). I could switch, I don't want to have to deal with it at this time. I don't see the point to continue if I have real limited workouts. My leg is like 2x the size. Ibuprofen is not going to help that much
I do have test e on hand (rotexmedica). I could switch, I don't want to have to deal with it at this time. I don't see the point to continue if I have real limited workouts. My leg is like 2x the size. Ibuprofen is not going to help that much
If you have a very bad reaction to a particular test the very first time you inject, why continue to plan another injection with it and why not immediately switch to another to see if you tolerate it better?
I get real nasty pip in my quads, to the point I can’t walk, when other locations are pip free, same vial. I pin ED and have no problems as long as I don’t pin quads. If I do it’s hell the next few days.
Same with intense swelling etc, it’s just the quad, even if it’s 100mg/ml .5ml for me, where delt I can load up with 3mls no big deal. No idea why...

Like others said tho maybe it’s the test...
Yeah don't inject quads its just such a shitty spot no idea why people still do it. Also 2.25ml is a shitton of oil.
Yea it's a bit much but I figured id be OK. This is definitely some sort of a reaction to something. There is still no abscess, no definitive signs of infection. The swelling traveled all the way to knee. It does not hurt as much today swelling has gone down a little.
Yea it's a bit much but I figured id be OK. This is definitely some sort of a reaction to something. There is still no abscess, no definitive signs of infection. The swelling traveled all the way to knee. It does not hurt as much today swelling has gone down a little.
Sounds like leaky sub Q, from doing an IM or shallow one. Especially if its traveling. You want to have your body suck up the oil. Maybe hot packs would help.
Sounds like leaky sub Q, from doing an IM or shallow one. Especially if its traveling. You want to have your body suck up the oil. Maybe hot packs would help.
When I had an issue in the past I would microwave wet hand towels and leave it on the site. Then I'd take a massage gun and blast away until the rag cooled down. It took three days to notice a difference.
I think everyone here needs a damn little heating pad. For oil preinjection, pip, and general use
I can only handle half a ml in quads. Even then it's sore. Used to feel it in my knee. Couldn't kneel down. Didn't matter on source or Test E, Test C.

So I avoid it at all cost. Choose to pin more frequently for less oil at a time.

You got guys saying the pip shit is pussys, but idgaf. Some people feel things differently.
How is everything going so far?? Has the swelling went down?
Apologies for the late update. After about 12 days after injection things settled down. It was still sore and stiff but the swelling was gone. I was regaining flexibility and could walk without a limp.

Confused as to what happened I pinned 1/2 ml in r delt. No issues or pain whatsoever. 2 days later 1/2 ml in r delt, minimal pain. 2 days 1/2 ml l quad, minimal issues. 2 days later 1 ml r quad, the fucked up one, it was a little sore and stiff but nothing major.

Confused I said fuck it. Cycle is to be continued as planned
What up everyone.

I was starting a cycle dbol and sustanon. First shot into quad and my leg got real swollen and painful about 12 hours later.

23g 1" 2.25 ml as a "frontload", for a 500mg/week cycle. My plan was first shot 2.25ml then 1ml or 250mg per shot 2x per week for 12 weeks. First shot was 3 days ago, today is the next shot day. Oil was not warmed but was throughly massaged. This was the start of my 3rd cycle. I have not used sus before, only test e. I expected some pip. I did not expect not being able to stand or walk. There is no signs of a infection, no redness, possibly feels a little warmer than usual but minimal. It came from a reputable ugl.

So my questions are, how to proceed? Do I continue with my plan? I can hardly move my leg, let alone do a decent workout. I have test e on hand do I switch? Do I stop now and hold off for a bit? Is this a reaction to the oil or something in the oil?
Why the fuck did you inject your quads.

Worst place of all.