PIP . Test C from compounding pharma

Straight up copy of fda approved med in the Orange Book.

Bacteriostatic preservative.

What does it say? No one should click links here and they are actually against the rules unless coded.

Uh no. But if that is the case then count me out. Please kindly point me to where that is stated?

Not sure there is one place where all the rules are posted. It’s just one of those that most know about. Links that’s take you somewhere here on the forum are okay but links that take you outside of the forum are a big no no for security reason.
Not sure there is one place where all the rules are posted. It’s just one of those that most know about. Links that’s take you somewhere here on the forum are okay but links that take you outside of the forum are a big no no for security reason.
I think you are referring to source/shop links....

No issue posting links to fed website or drugs.com or any legit website that isn't a source link.

And thank God. Part of the reason I was banned at TNation is they would not let members post links to "competitor" forums no matter how great the information. Sigh.
What does it say? No one should click links here and they are actually against the rules unless coded.
Anyway I gave you the reference material for pharma nandrolone decanoate. Empower simply copied the recipe as an FDA approved product still in the orange book. Hope that material answers your questions.
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No issue posting links to fed website or drugs.com.

Yes, there is an issue with posting links. Surly you don’t just click random links dropped on these forums?

Anyway I gave you the reference material for pharma nandrolone decanoate. Empower simply copied through recipe as an FDA approved product still in the orange book. Hope that material answers your questions.

Thanks! I’ll look into in a bit. Just a bit odd to see them using 5%ba when typically 1% is used
Surly you don’t just click random links dropped on these forums?
Pretty simple to examine link address before you click on it. Yes I recommend people know what they are doing before randomly clicking on hyperlinks.

My pleasure. You are welcome. Have a Merry Christmas.
Yes, there is an issue with posting links.
Correct. It appears live links are frowned upon in the Underground. Perhaps @Millard can point to where this is officially codified. I see no restriction on posting hyperlinks anywhere else on the forum.

Edit: here it is

Perhaps make this a sticky on the Underground subsection or main section?


Direct and active (clickable) hyperlinks to ecommerce-enabled website domains that sell pharmaceuticals are prohibited.

Direct hyperlinks to malware, ransomware, IP tracking links, pirated content, child pornography, and similar are also prohibited.

I'd advise against posting email links because scrapers will fill your email inbox with all types of spam. If you must post an email link, I think the best practice is to do something like youremail at emailprovider dot com

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Just a bit odd to see them using 5%ba when typically 1% is used
Original pharma 200 mg/ml product was 5%. Empower just copied it.

The Watson 100 mg/ml product was 10% BA.

A sterile oleaginous solution containing per mL: Nandrolone Decanoate 100 mg with Benzyl Alcohol 10% as solubilizer/preservative, in Sesame Oil q.s., and Nandrolone Decanoate 200 mg with Benzyl Alcohol 5% as solubilizer/preservative, in Sesame Oil q.s.

Nandrolone decanoate (C28H44O3) occurs as a fine, white to creamy white, crystalline powder. It is odorless, or may have a slight odor.

Nandrolone decanoate is soluble in chloroform, in alcohol, in acetone, and in vegetable oils. It is practically insoluble in water.
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Original pharma 200 mg/ml product was 5%. Empower just copied it.

The Watson 100 mg/ml product was 10% BA.

A sterile oleaginous solution containing per mL: Nandrolone Decanoate 100 mg with Benzyl Alcohol 10% as solubilizer/preservative, in Sesame Oil q.s., and Nandrolone Decanoate 200 mg with Benzyl Alcohol 5% as solubilizer/preservative, in Sesame Oil q.s.

Nandrolone decanoate (C28H44O3) occurs as a fine, white to creamy white, crystalline powder. It is odorless, or may have a slight odor.

Nandrolone decanoate is soluble in chloroform, in alcohol, in acetone, and in vegetable oils. It is practically insoluble in water.

Interesting. I wonder why so much is used and should ugl being doing the same?

I have a thread in the testing section where I had my empower Deca tested and this is mentioned. Do you mind adding this information to it? May be helpful for those who come across the thread later

Keep in mind 5%ba could just be labeling purposes for the compounding pharmacy to follow the guidelines to look good for the fda or whoever they need to impress…. Unless it was actually tested by someone at 5%ba. Then my apologizes…

Just like how some compounding pharmacies label their test c 90% and test e 10% so they can sell it and get past the loophole of making it “customized” for a patient…..

do you really think they are making 180mg test c and 20mg test e in a 10ml vial… or do you think they just slap that label on there and have it be 200mg test C….

Remember they are allowed a 10% variance… pull the variances in the right direction and you’ll end up back with 200mg/ml of test c….
Never tested it but completely pointless from pharmacokinetic standpoint. TC and TE are practically interchangeable in terms of apparent elimination half life.
Just like how some compounding pharmacies label their test c 90% and test e 10% so they can sell it and get past the loophole of making it “customized” for a patient…..
Never tested it but completely pointless from pharmacokinetic standpoint. TC and TE are practically interchangeable in terms of apparent elimination half life.
Yeah but they still label it as that… so it’s customizable… because patients can’t get from perrigo or any other fda mfr..so the compounding pharmacy offers it and says look it’s customizable… we can sell it…