Posting links?

Jet Labs

Subscriber Supporter
Hey all, so I've read here there's no posting external link and I'm wondering does that include email links? Thanks for help with this :)
@Millard please correct me if i'm wrong, but to my understanding it's no uncoded links to e-commerce websites in the UG forum.

As for the other sub-forums, i believe links are acceptable, within reason. Sicko sites promoting child perversion and other dark, disgusting shit would probably earn a lifetime ban. At least i would hope they would.

i've seen a lot of email links posted and they've never been edited, so i'm assuming that's acceptable as well.
I believe you need to put your link between code tags when posting links in the Underground section. This way the link is not active or clickable. If you want to go to such site highlight the URL and copy/paste it into the browser bar.

Note: It is ok to post a direct link in the other sections but if the link appears to go to some sketchy site use the code tags even in the other general sections for such links.

Direct and active (clickable) hyperlinks to ecommerce-enabled website domains that sell pharmaceuticals are prohibited.

Direct hyperlinks to malware, ransomware, IP tracking links, pirated content, child pornography, and similar are also prohibited.

I'd advise against posting email links because scrapers will fill your email inbox with all types of spam. If you must post an email link, I think the best practice is to do something like youremail at emailprovider dot com
Direct and active (clickable) hyperlinks to ecommerce-enabled website domains that sell pharmaceuticals are prohibited.

Direct hyperlinks to malware, ransomware, IP tracking links, pirated content, child pornography, and similar are also prohibited.

I'd advise against posting email links because scrapers will fill your email inbox with all types of spam. If you must post an email link, I think the best practice is to do something like youremail at emailprovider dot com

What is a scraper?
Direct and active (clickable) hyperlinks to ecommerce-enabled website domains that sell pharmaceuticals are prohibited.

Direct hyperlinks to malware, ransomware, IP tracking links, pirated content, child pornography, and similar are also prohibited.

I'd advise against posting email links because scrapers will fill your email inbox with all types of spam. If you must post an email link, I think the best practice is to do something like youremail at emailprovider dot com
For email links, even if it is in code tags that these get scraped?