Planning a cycle for a fuck load of mass (health is not an object here)

So I plan on doing open bodybuilding and I'm currently sitting at 230lbs ~17% 5'10 and I have experience with test(all esters), dbol, anadrol, npp, anavar, tren, clean, winstrol and a few I may have forgotten. When writing this, I've been just doing 500 tren E a week with 650 Test Cyp a week and I love the tren mentally.

my next cycle is going to be pretty rediculous and over-engineered so any help in minimising overlapping effects/wasted gear would be helpful

-Test 1g/w
-EQ 750mg/w
-Deca 500mg/w
-Tren 500mg/w
-HGH 4IU/day
-Mastron 400mg/w

so I don't sound like a retard just throwing shit at the wall (even though that's what it is) ill explain my choices. the test a 1g is just because I've found as long as I have my test higher than any other compounds it helps me not feel like shit, the EQ is going to work as an AI to an extent but also for lean tissue (and the hunger ig?), the deca self-explanatory standard bulking compound more lean tissue but importantly joint protecting/LUBE, Tren fucking love the shit and obviously very strong stuff, HGH you can only get so big without it and the sooner you start the better because the time to kick is long as hell, Mastron to keep me "dry" because I will probably be staying sub 16% as I'm currently cutting down to 12% and I usually without a genuine effort don't get back above 16% (but why am I 17%?!?!?!? because I came off gear for a few months and fell into a depression and got fat)

anyways long enough but please if you have anything to help me aside from just "that's fucking retarded" or "you'll die" id appreciate it highly

P.S ignore grammar its late
Reading that put my BP in stage 2 hypertension