Please help...


New Member
I have been taking Test for building muscle and for TRT for over a year. A few months ago I went from my 750a week sust to my 250 a week maintenance. And for the 1st time in my life I broke out with acne. All over my back and my chest. I went to the Dermatologist and she gave me body wash and pills. It helped a little. My friend suggested liquid Exemestane. I took 50mg a day until the bottle was empty and it's still not gone. I even tried increasing my test dosage and that helped a little also. It's mainly on my chest now and 1pimple here and there on my back. I really want to make it go away completely. Can someone with experience in this matter please tell me what to take, how much and when? Thank you.
I have been taking Test for building muscle and for TRT for over a year. A few months ago I went from my 750a week sust to my 250 a week maintenance. And for the 1st time in my life I broke out with acne. All over my back and my chest. I went to the Dermatologist and she gave me body wash and pills. It helped a little. My friend suggested liquid Exemestane. I took 50mg a day until the bottle was empty and it's still not gone. I even tried increasing my test dosage and that helped a little also. It's mainly on my chest now and 1pimple here and there on my back. I really want to make it go away completely. Can someone with experience in this matter please tell me what to take, how much and when? Thank you.

How about you don't increase your dosage and let your body do its thing! You jump from 250 to 750 a week- what you expected no side-effects? what happen is the increase of Testosterone cause the increase production of sebum (the main thing that causes acne) = acne.. I recommend you stick with your Dermatologist for advice instead of asking your "friend"..
Seems as though u were unprepared for this cycle. Ur estrogen levels elevated. From 250 to 750, as was stated.... glands overloaded, clogged.

Ur dermo gave u pill, which?
How about you don't increase your dosage and let your body do its thing! You jump from 250 to 750 a week- what you expected no side-effects? what happen is the increase of Testosterone cause the increase production of sebum (the main thing that causes acne) = acne.. I recommend you stick with your Dermatologist for advice instead of asking your "friend"..
He went from 750 a week to 250 a week, read it again.

Item seems counterintuitive but dropping your dosage can also result in acne. Even a change in injection frequency at the same total dosage will give me terrible acne. For example, on cycle I inject long esters EOD despite no real pharmacological rationale. What i observe empirically is if I do EOD shots I get minimal acne. Once a week and I break out like a pubescent boy.

Estrogen management also plays a role. If your e2 is out of whack from the dosage change, that may also be the culprit. A good AI is indispensable.

Your exemestane was almost certainly bunk. At 50 mg a day I would feel like a 80 year old man, creaky joints, zero energy/libido.

Always use pharma ancillaries. Check out @pharmacist and his thread in the underground.

In sum - first, get some bloodwork to see what's going on. Second, if needed, order ancillaries (again, get pharma, worth every penny). Third - try splitting your weekly TRT dose into 2 or more pins a week. Worked like a charm for me. YMMV.

Good Luck!
Right 750 to 250, but without an ai, 750mgs a week is no chump change, his acne was brewing prior to the 250, it just happend to show its ugly face thereafter.

Cycle history would help OP.