Hey guys,
There seems to be a wide range of opinions in the body building, steroid community about wether Nandrolone (be it Deca or NPP) heals joints or only masks pain. Many ppl say it only covers up the pain of injuries only to reveal after you stop the nandrolone that the injury is still there or is even worse since you been training so hard yet with no pain indicator you been doing more damage. Others swear by it and say they have experienced injury and soft tissue healing from the use of Nandrolone. I myself am not sure what is the truth on the matter and don't claim to be any type of expert on the matter at all. Also, many like to point out this study or that study. Studies have their place and I dont want to diminish the importance of good scientific literature but i also realise sometimes things on the ground in real life are very difficult to prove.
This post is not about theory or scientific literatre. I would like to find out WHAT YOU PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED when you used Deca or NPP, not what some study or the body builder down the road said. What happened for you if you have used Deca and how did it affect your injuries or joints after you stopped using it?
Thanks your your replies guys
NOTE: Please also comment on the statement below if you have an opinion:
"I believe that Nadrolone masks pain but can also heal provided one lowers volume/intensity"
I ask this because it is possible that Nandrolone does mask pain but also provide healing IF one does not pretend that their pain going away means they can train harder. Many people ramp up their training volume and intensity cause they are on cycle and seek to gain size and they have symptomatic pain relief. What if one was to use Nandrolone for healing alongside a TRT protocol and not ramp up the volume and intensity even while the pain relief was taking place, do you believe Nadrolone would facilitate healing in this situation? If so, leave comments.
A little about me:
I'm a 43yo with low T and have been on TRT since April 2017 after giving HCG monotherapy a good go for 5 months with sub par results. After some tweaks my TRT is going great and I feel much better, feel great actually except for ongoing joint issues I have had the last 2 years. I pretty much have my protocol dialed in or very close to it now but have slightly reduced my arimadex dosage due to leaning up, next labs should help me tweak further. My last blood tests had me at a total T of 35nmol/L (ref range 10-33) or 1010ng/dl. E2 was 75 pmol/L (ref range <150) or 20.4 pg/ml. This last result came back with a higher TT than my previous labs and it may be because of the new brand of HCG Im using or possibly just a higher result. I have lowish SHBG so my free T will definitely be high. If my next labs come back out of range I will adjust dosage accordingly to stay at the top of the range but not out of range, usually in in the 20's. My doc did not care, he is very understanding and said it was only 2 points out of range. We also keep an eye on heamatocrit and blood count, hemoglobin etc. The dosages I was using to get my TT and E2 as above was 30mg Test E, 250iu HCG and 0.2mg Arimadex three times a week SubQ. I have since lovered my Adex to 0.15mg 3 x a week and kept everything else the same and shall do labs in about a month.
I'm into healthy living, fitness and performance surfing. I do some HIIT when not surfing much and do a little resistance training 2-4 days a week depending on time I have and how much surfing I have been doing which impacts recovery. When I started TRT I began weight training (after over 20 years off!) and trained and ate hard and gained 6kg in about 10 weeks but about half muscle half fat and then weighed 86kg and I was already a little overweight, diet was off point. I have since started counting macros and leaned up significantly and lost 11kg and am now 75kg and starting to get in shape. I have kept the initial strength I gained and my fitness and performance in the surf is significantly improved yet I have a few more KG (3-4 more I reckon) to lose before I start changing my diet and training for some lean gains in muscle which would be nice.
There seems to be a wide range of opinions in the body building, steroid community about wether Nandrolone (be it Deca or NPP) heals joints or only masks pain. Many ppl say it only covers up the pain of injuries only to reveal after you stop the nandrolone that the injury is still there or is even worse since you been training so hard yet with no pain indicator you been doing more damage. Others swear by it and say they have experienced injury and soft tissue healing from the use of Nandrolone. I myself am not sure what is the truth on the matter and don't claim to be any type of expert on the matter at all. Also, many like to point out this study or that study. Studies have their place and I dont want to diminish the importance of good scientific literature but i also realise sometimes things on the ground in real life are very difficult to prove.
This post is not about theory or scientific literatre. I would like to find out WHAT YOU PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED when you used Deca or NPP, not what some study or the body builder down the road said. What happened for you if you have used Deca and how did it affect your injuries or joints after you stopped using it?
Thanks your your replies guys

NOTE: Please also comment on the statement below if you have an opinion:
"I believe that Nadrolone masks pain but can also heal provided one lowers volume/intensity"
I ask this because it is possible that Nandrolone does mask pain but also provide healing IF one does not pretend that their pain going away means they can train harder. Many people ramp up their training volume and intensity cause they are on cycle and seek to gain size and they have symptomatic pain relief. What if one was to use Nandrolone for healing alongside a TRT protocol and not ramp up the volume and intensity even while the pain relief was taking place, do you believe Nadrolone would facilitate healing in this situation? If so, leave comments.
A little about me:
I'm a 43yo with low T and have been on TRT since April 2017 after giving HCG monotherapy a good go for 5 months with sub par results. After some tweaks my TRT is going great and I feel much better, feel great actually except for ongoing joint issues I have had the last 2 years. I pretty much have my protocol dialed in or very close to it now but have slightly reduced my arimadex dosage due to leaning up, next labs should help me tweak further. My last blood tests had me at a total T of 35nmol/L (ref range 10-33) or 1010ng/dl. E2 was 75 pmol/L (ref range <150) or 20.4 pg/ml. This last result came back with a higher TT than my previous labs and it may be because of the new brand of HCG Im using or possibly just a higher result. I have lowish SHBG so my free T will definitely be high. If my next labs come back out of range I will adjust dosage accordingly to stay at the top of the range but not out of range, usually in in the 20's. My doc did not care, he is very understanding and said it was only 2 points out of range. We also keep an eye on heamatocrit and blood count, hemoglobin etc. The dosages I was using to get my TT and E2 as above was 30mg Test E, 250iu HCG and 0.2mg Arimadex three times a week SubQ. I have since lovered my Adex to 0.15mg 3 x a week and kept everything else the same and shall do labs in about a month.
I'm into healthy living, fitness and performance surfing. I do some HIIT when not surfing much and do a little resistance training 2-4 days a week depending on time I have and how much surfing I have been doing which impacts recovery. When I started TRT I began weight training (after over 20 years off!) and trained and ate hard and gained 6kg in about 10 weeks but about half muscle half fat and then weighed 86kg and I was already a little overweight, diet was off point. I have since started counting macros and leaned up significantly and lost 11kg and am now 75kg and starting to get in shape. I have kept the initial strength I gained and my fitness and performance in the surf is significantly improved yet I have a few more KG (3-4 more I reckon) to lose before I start changing my diet and training for some lean gains in muscle which would be nice.