Positive mental side effects


New Member
I'm looking to get some input on some of the positive mental side effects of different aas.

Which aas gave you that "feel good" effect?

Which ones gave you some good aggression?

Which ones made you more motivated?

What are some of the other positive mental side effects that you noticed with different compounds?
For me,

Feel good- dbol, testosterone, masteron, MENT

Aggression- tren, superdrol, I get very jealous on deca or npp

Tren almost cost me many years in jail. So I decided no more. If you're someone who is already an aggressive person, don't take it. If you try it start small because not many people tolerate it well. Imo it's not worth it unless you are competing.
Im a interested in this. Moderate dose of test about 250mg a week with no Ai feels great very laid back and happy vibe. dianabol made me even more laid back and happy ha! Primo with test I didn’t notice anything from adding primo

Masteron with test has me feeling pretty damn good lately.

Dose? Ratio?

Im a interested in this. Moderate dose of test about 250mg a week with no Ai feels great very laid back and happy vibe. dianabol made me even more laid back and happy ha! Primo with test I didn’t notice anything from adding primo

Dianabol made me feel high for sure, pretty euphoric even. Never had this with other steroids.
It's calmed me down quite a bit, and a better sense of well being. Overall, most noticeable is my patience has gotten better. I guess in short I'm just in a better mood as a guy who's usually grumpy.
Sounds great ! We need a few polls to sort through this, a) what makes you more relaxed, b) what makes you quite euphoric, c) what makes you more driven and energised out of the gym. d) what works best for your overall mental state. I’d like to see how much different our responses are
Low weekly dose
180 Test-c
75 Npp
Gave me an incredible motivation, drive, overall euphoric happy sense of well being, not to mention sex drive was through the roof.
Currently on week 12 of Primo, still waiting for that euphoric feeling everyone talks about
Sounds great ! We need a few polls to sort through this, a) what makes you more relaxed, b) what makes you quite euphoric, c) what makes you more driven and energised out of the gym. d) what works best for your overall mental state. I’d like to see how much different our responses are
I think that would be pretty interesting to see honestly
I'm not exactly sure why you are asking this question but I'd like to give my input based on my own experience. I got in to steroids from being depressed from some major negative events in my life, thinking a substance would give me that feel good effect to motivate me to keep going. I was wrong, none of these compounds are going to negate mental health issues like depression. They may have a slight boost in mood but nothing that is going to fix your issues, it's only going to harm your body and leave you worse than before.

Again, not directing this at anyone in particular but if anyone fits this bill please listen. The only real way to fix your mental health is putting in the work to heal yourself. Working hard at your goals, having a stable routine, spending time with loved ones, avoiding drugs and alcohol, being honest with yourself, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating right, exercising.

Anyways, stay strong brothers.
I don’t think I’m very unique and most are pros / cons for me. But here’s my experience.

- Masteron (love it. Feel confident and unbothered. Very sexual but not to the point it becomes a problem. Like a healthy man should)

- EQ (endurance levels are amazing. Allows me to run other stuff and mitigate the sides)

- MENT (good energy. Good performance boost. Good sexual boost. Heart and gyno sides make it not very worth to me)

- Tren (much less anxiety of the world. I sleep about 2 hours less and feel more rested)

- Deca (the anxiety is real for the first few weeks while my hormones find their balance. One of the only times I ever went through my girls phone)

- Tren (less filtered and insanely horny to the point it becomes a burden. Will masturbate 3x before noon. Would be awesome for a young & single guy but I have 2 kids under 3 years old)

If I were a single man with no responsibilities and didn’t care about health, my “God” stack would be Test / Mast / EQ / Tren. I imagine I could workout 3 hours a day and still have the energy to chase 10 women at once.
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