Positive mental side effects

This is one of my favorite topics regarding gear and all that’s involved. I’m big into feels. And pharmacology fascinates me.

For me, it’s a delicate balance. Low dose test (between 100mg to 300mg is where I stay. Why? Because testosterone is king and necessary. But really boring IME. So that’s my range of milligrams per week of testosterone.

Tren… I love the stuff and I’m mid 40s. Now I keep blasts of Tren to 8 weeks max because the insomnia becomes an issue after that. I like Tren Ace around 250-325mg per week. The mental change from tren is better than all other AAS for me.

Masteron… just feels good. Like that first cup of coffee in the morning or a heated blanket in a cabin in the winter… it just feels right. Plus, if lean enough, Masteron creates a very unique and statuesque look. Lean, dry and hard as a rock. That’s Masteron and it kicks ass. I like it anywhere from 200mg to a 1 gram. My prostate doesn’t love the high doses of Masteron, though.

Halotestin… the nectar of the gods. I researched every compound I’ve used extensively. Often times I will research a compound for years before actually using it. Halo was demonized by many in my years of research. But I still wanted to try it anyway. Glad I did. Love the stuff. Just a super manly feeling that comes on within an hour or so. I don’t even think I get any negative sides from Halo. Maybe indigestion if I use it too long but that’s it.

Underrated compound - Ment. Aka Trestolone. It’s rather unique. Great sex drive boost and just gives a fullness in the muscle that’s hard to beat.

One thing I haven’t tried but intend to very soon is Stenbolone. It looks super intriguing. If anyone wants to share a good source for this compound, then I’m all ears. I don’t see it on too many source lists.
I don’t think I’m very unique and most are pros / cons for me. But here’s my experience.

- Masteron (love it. Feel confident and unbothered. Very sexual but not to the point it becomes a problem. Like a healthy man should)

- EQ (endurance levels are amazing. Allows me to run other stuff and mitigate the sides)

- MENT (good energy. Good performance boost. Good sexual boost. Heart and gyno sides make it not very worth to me)

- Tren (much less anxiety of the world. I sleep about 2 hours less and feel more rested)

- Deca (the anxiety is real for the first few weeks while my hormones find their balance. One of the only times I ever went through my girls phone)

- Tren (less filtered and insanely horny to the point it becomes a burden. Will masturbate 3x before noon. Would be awesome for a young & single guy but I have 2 kids under 3 years old)

If I were a single man with no responsibilities and didn’t care about health, my “God” stack would be Test / Mast / EQ / Tren. I imagine I could workout 3 hours a day and still have the energy to chase 10 women at once.
You had me until 10 women at once. Idk how some of you do it. Just one woman drains me. I can’t imagine dealing with more than two at one time. I’d get my stories twisted and I’d be exhausted.
This is one of my favorite topics regarding gear and all that’s involved. I’m big into feels. And pharmacology fascinates me.

For me, it’s a delicate balance. Low dose test (between 100mg to 300mg is where I stay. Why? Because testosterone is king and necessary. But really boring IME. So that’s my range of milligrams per week of testosterone.

Tren… I love the stuff and I’m mid 40s. Now I keep blasts of Tren to 8 weeks max because the insomnia becomes an issue after that. I like Tren Ace around 250-325mg per week. The mental change from tren is better than all other AAS for me.

Masteron… just feels good. Like that first cup of coffee in the morning or a heated blanket in a cabin in the winter… it just feels right. Plus, if lean enough, Masteron creates a very unique and statuesque look. Lean, dry and hard as a rock. That’s Masteron and it kicks ass. I like it anywhere from 200mg to a 1 gram. My prostate doesn’t love the high doses of Masteron, though.

Halotestin… the nectar of the gods. I researched every compound I’ve used extensively. Often times I will research a compound for years before actually using it. Halo was demonized by many in my years of research. But I still wanted to try it anyway. Glad I did. Love the stuff. Just a super manly feeling that comes on within an hour or so. I don’t even think I get any negative sides from Halo. Maybe indigestion if I use it too long but that’s it.

Underrated compound - Ment. Aka Trestolone. It’s rather unique. Great sex drive boost and just gives a fullness in the muscle that’s hard to beat.

One thing I haven’t tried but intend to very soon is Stenbolone. It looks super intriguing. If anyone wants to share a good source for this compound, then I’m all ears. I don’t see it on too many source lists.
Just curious, what doses of Halo and Ment have you found work the best for you?
Man I'm jealous of you guys. I never feel anything. Tried various doses of masteron, anavar, dbol, superdrol. Nope, nothing.

I always feel flat. Flat mentally that is.
Just curious, what doses of Halo and Ment have you found work the best for you?
Halo just 10mg works great for me for preworkout and pre sexy time. 20mg if I’m feeling extra froggy.

As far as Ment goes I’ve actually never gone above 25-30mg per day I don’t think. I’ve only used it on 3 different blasts. It’s a wild ride and you definitely need some aromasin on hand with it. It can get wet.
Tren and Deca were the worst experiences for me so far. Tren was me literally laying in bed with insomnia not wanting to do anything for weeks (while on caber) and having to force myself to the gym or do anything. No libido on Tren, no aggressive gym sessions, nothing. Deca was just bad mood overall and stopped after the 5th week. Didn't have libido issues on Deca.

Best so far for me, Primo and Masteron with Primo taking the top spot.

Best feeling from all the cycles I did with ridiculous high amounts is actually just 250 T / 200 Primo / 1500 HCG.
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What is your expirience with anavar? And how Long you need to take before feel more pumps and mental benefits