Post bloods problem


Approx. 4 months ago I came of a pretty decent cycle of tren test and dbol but nothing crazy or that I haven't done before. I had my bloods checked and I had crashed so I began a 5 week cycle of clomid and torem. After 2nd week hards came back everything started feeling normal and I completed my pct. Now 3 months after pct I go and get my bloods done for next cycle and here are the results.
Total T: 349
LH: 4.7
FSH: 1.4
Estradiol: 15

Am I still shut down? Why all low numbers but Lh?

Went to doc and she claims these are normal which is complete bullshit. Can someone please shed some light on these results.
The last post cycle bloods I have was in dec 2015 I was at 649. I'm 27. Never did any pre cycles because I didn't know better at the time but assuming my last post cycle I was in 600s I assume my full blown natty test to be 6-700. Only other changes to my life are I'm on a cutter and I had a vasectomy right before post cycle in jan.
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@Docd187123 @Michael Scally MD
Should I try for another pct? Could this could be my natty level after only 2 cycles when my last natty level of 600+ ? I'm just extremely confused as to why my doc is trying to convince me these numbers are perfectly normal... some of you guys input, being doctors that are used to this would be amazing. Thanks.
@Docd187123 @Michael Scally MD
Should I try for another pct? Could this could be my natty level after only 2 cycles when my last natty level of 600+ ? I'm just extremely confused as to why my doc is trying to convince me these numbers are perfectly normal... some of you guys input, being doctors that are used to this would be amazing. Thanks.

I'm not a doctor and am not in the same league as Dr. Scally. I'm simply a normal member who does his research.

What time of day did you do these bloods that show 349 TT?
@Docd187123 @Michael Scally MD
Should I try for another pct? Could this could be my natty level after only 2 cycles when my last natty level of 600+ ? I'm just extremely confused as to why my doc is trying to convince me these numbers are perfectly normal... some of you guys input, being doctors that are used to this would be amazing. Thanks.

Pharma grade SERMS or research?

Also did you use any T3?

Would be worth getting the following bloods:
Vit D
Another member on an Australian forum had the same problem as you. He used small doses of Serms E3D for 6+ months. Worked well for him.
This was taken in a fasted state at roughly 930am. I took pharma clomid with pcom torem. My pre pct bloods were like as follows.
TT: 139
LH: .08
Fsh: .04
So defiantly responded to pct so no doubt it worked because I was a limp dick with the 139 TT.
I did not use any t3 and while on pct I had nice hard erections and morning wood. Now I still get nice erections but no morning wood. I mean if i would have guessed what my T would have been before bloods I'd have guessed 500+ but not quite pre cycle. Say i did a second pct and reached the 600+ level would it be plausible they would remain at that level or go back down? Should i just suck it up and seek further help from professional endo?
Seeing a qualified is always the best option but you have a few others as well. You can try another PCT with HCG, clomid, and nolva or you can just try and wait it out since recovery sometimes takes longer than we expect.
Would it even be possible over time to see my numbers double? Any ideas as to why fsh and estro are low? I figured fsh should be around same as LH? And for estro I mean obviously little to no test is aromatizing but why?
Would it even be possible over time to see my numbers double? Any ideas as to why fsh and estro are low? I figured fsh should be around same as LH? And for estro I mean obviously little to no test is aromatizing but why?

Possible for your numbers to double but not likely.

Estradiol is low bc test is low. Test is low bc you haven fully recovered yet, if you even will. Don't mean to try and scare you but it is always a possibility in this game. FSH isn't always around LH.
The last post cycle bloods I have was in dec 2015 I was at 649. I'm 27. Never did any pre cycles because I didn't know better at the time but assuming my last post cycle I was in 600s I assume my full blown natty test to be 6-700. Only other changes to my life are I'm on a cutter and I had a vasectomy right before post cycle in jan.

How long after you completed PCT did you pull your bloods when you came back at +600?

I would personally give it more time to recover if I were you and retest in a few weeks.
This was taken in a fasted state at roughly 930am. I took pharma clomid with pcom torem. My pre pct bloods were like as follows.
TT: 139
LH: .08
Fsh: .04
So defiantly responded to pct so no doubt it worked because I was a limp dick with the 139 TT.
I did not use any t3 and while on pct I had nice hard erections and morning wood. Now I still get nice erections but no morning wood. I mean if i would have guessed what my T would have been before bloods I'd have guessed 500+ but not quite pre cycle. Say i did a second pct and reached the 600+ level would it be plausible they would remain at that level or go back down? Should i just suck it up and seek further help from professional endo?

I am no doctor but have been in the same boat as you. I used mainly test previously but when I threw tren into the mix, recovery was a bitch.

When you wake up, before you get out of bed. Check your oral temperature. Should be 97.8 Fahrenheit. If it is below, you could possibly have hypothyroidism and will need to get your TSH, FT3, FT4 and Reverse T3 bloods taken. If it is above 97.8, thyroid is out of the picture. I know that Tren messes around with some people's t3 levels.

If your body temp is good to go, I'd go back on low dose clomid 25mg EOD to prevent intratesticular test from elevating for 4-6 weeks and re-assess.
Yea that's my plan of action next if my new appt with endo doctor goes like my regular doctors visit. I'm still flaming over her telling me it's perfectly normal for a 27 year old to have a test level of 350.