Post Cycle advice needed. 1st timer.


New Member
Was on a 5month test cycle pinning twice a week started off low .50 then .75 ending pinning 1.0. Last pin was 7/21.

Should I have done or be doing any post cycle meds?
I’ve notice in the last two weeks some ED, before I was able to get hard without any thought now it’s taking some time to get hard or stay hard. Is this normal will my levels level out and go back to “normal” thanks for any positive feed back.
Was on a 5month test cycle pinning twice a week started off low .50 then .75 ending pinning 1.0. Last pin was 7/21.

Should I have done or be doing any post cycle meds?
I’ve notice in the last two weeks some ED, before I was able to get hard without any thought now it’s taking some time to get hard or stay hard. Is this normal will my levels level out and go back to “normal” thanks for any positive feed back.
Well you are going to recover either with or without a pct. Pct just shortness the time it takes to recover. After two weeks there is a little testosterone left in your body. Enough to suppresses you but not enough to feel good. You can begin using hcg 500iu eod for three weeks then use 50 clomid with 20 nolvadex for one month. Do blood work atleast three weeks after last clomid and nolva dose. You can also run hcg for three weeks and taper down. For example: 500iu eod for three then 250iu eod for three more weeks.Take bloodwork two weeks after last hcg injection. It’s the reasonable and healthy method i would assume.
Well you are going to recover either with or without a pct. Pct just shortness the time it takes to recover. After two weeks there is a little testosterone left in your body. Enough to suppresses you but not enough to feel good. You can begin using hcg 500iu eod for three weeks then use 50 clomid with 20 nolvadex for one month. Do blood work atleast three weeks after last clomid and nolva dose. You can also run hcg for three weeks and taper down. For example: 500iu eod for three then 250iu eod for three more weeks.Take bloodwork two weeks after last hcg injection. It’s the reasonable and healthy method i would assume.
Newbie hear some of the abbreviations I’m not familiar with could you explain some of those please. What is “normal” time frame from last injection to recover from using test?
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You better had researched everything before starting. Test Cypionate has a half life of 5 days. It takes a drug at least 5 half life to completely leave the body. In this case one month. All you have to do is start using hcg 500iu eod after last testosterone injection for one month then clomid 50mg and nolvadex 40mg for another month without hcg. Wait one month after last clomid and nolvadex dose to pull blood work. It’s simple
Was on a 5month test cycle pinning twice a week started off low .50 then .75 ending pinning 1.0. Last pin was 7/21.

Should I have done or be doing any post cycle meds?
I’ve notice in the last two weeks some ED, before I was able to get hard without any thought now it’s taking some time to get hard or stay hard. Is this normal will my levels level out and go back to “normal” thanks for any positive feed back.
Hey mate at this stage I wouldn't bother starting a Pct due to the fact you don't sound to be recovering too badly and it's just more cost to add to things. If ED is a real problem I would suggest Viagra or Cialis both can be sourced here.
Get a blood test 4 weeks after last jab to see where things are at. I would go from there deciding what to do next.
Stay strong
Leaving recovery to chance is IMO silly. You've still got time, so why not grab the appropriate drugs and PCT correctly?
It is surprising to me that you could be on cycle for 5 months and not have a plan for this yet. Or was your plan to recover naturally, and you are just considering PCT now that you have noticed ED?

You’re a week and a half since your last pin correct? Yet you mention ED starting 2 weeks ago.

As was previously mentioned, you could consider implementing HCG in this period of time that you’re waiting for the test to clear. You won’t want to start PCT for another 3 weeks anyway. The only adjustment to previous recommendation I would consider is dosage. 500iu every other day (eod) is more of a dosage one would use if they were running HCG throughout the cycle. There are other protocols more fitting to use based on the period of time you are in.

Other than that, you have a wealth of information here at your fingertips to search for some further details…
Well you are going to recover either with or without a pct. Pct just shortness the time it takes to recover. After two weeks there is a little testosterone left in your body. Enough to suppresses you but not enough to feel good. You can begin using hcg 500iu eod for three weeks then use 50 clomid with 20 nolvadex for one month. Do blood work atleast three weeks after last clomid and nolva dose. You can also run hcg for three weeks and taper down. For example: 500iu eod for three then 250iu eod for three more weeks.Take bloodwork two weeks after last hcg injection. It’s the reasonable and healthy method i would assume.
this^ , altough id up the hcg dosage to 1000 iu and wouldnt tapper down, and id add an AI, arimidex 0.5 mg ED

Edit: I'd take bloodwork later, afeter stoping clomid, nolva and AI, not after hcg
Hey mate at this stage I wouldn't bother starting a Pct due to the fact you don't sound to be recovering too badly and it's just more cost to add to things. If ED is a real problem I would suggest Viagra or Cialis both can be sourced here.
Get a blood test 4 weeks after last jab to see where things are at. I would go from there deciding what to do next.
Stay strong
It’s not a huge problem I can just notice not being able to stay hard as long as I normally would. Do you think it’s the fact that my natural testosterone hasn’t kicked back in yet? I’ve never had a problem getting hard or staying hard but I notice now that I am cycling off test injections that I am.
It is surprising to me that you could be on cycle for 5 months and not have a plan for this yet. Or was your plan to recover naturally, and you are just considering PCT now that you have noticed ED?

You’re a week and a half since your last pin correct? Yet you mention ED starting 2 weeks ago.

As was previously mentioned, you could consider implementing HCG in this period of time that you’re waiting for the test to clear. You won’t want to start PCT for another 3 weeks anyway. The only adjustment to previous recommendation I would consider is dosage. 500iu every other day (eod) is more of a dosage one would use if they were running HCG throughout the cycle. There are other protocols more fitting to use based on the period of time you are in.

Other than that, you have a wealth of information here at your fingertips to search for some further details…
Sorry I’ve only noticed ED a week or so after the last pin which was on 7/21 so the last 4 days or so. I don’t know if it’s mental thinking about it happening. It’s my first time doing any steroids. I was planning on just coming off without any pct.
Sorry I’ve only noticed ED a week or so after the last pin which was on 7/21 so the last 4 days or so. I don’t know if it’s mental thinking about it happening. It’s my first time doing any steroids. I was planning on just coming off without any pct.
coming off without pct is pretty stupid IMO
Sorry I’ve only noticed ED a week or so after the last pin which was on 7/21 so the last 4 days or so. I don’t know if it’s mental thinking about it happening. It’s my first time doing any steroids. I was planning on just coming off without any pct.
Oh shit, nothing to be sorry about man. I’m just confirming the timeframe because the first description had things lining up like this issue could have started before dropping the T.

I would consider getting set up to do a PCT, there is enough to say it will optimize recovery. There are some studies that suggest you don’t need it, and the no PCT idea is floating around out there; but I think there is much more out there that supports the idea that a pct is the way to go. You also would still have time to get what you need before your ester clears anyway.

ED will get better with time as you recover.
If you get it stuck in your head for too long that your dick won’t work, then your dick won’t work.

All the best