Post cycle depression


New Member
Hey guys, I have been running a cycle of deca and test for the past 16 weeks, I am now coming off and using HCG and clomid for my pct. But I am experiencing some next level depression and anxiety and I’m not sure whether it’s from the clomid or just my levels being all over the shop?? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
Yes, that's the way it is.

You wouldn't expect to run a cycle without suffering afterward, right? Nothing good is free.

Hold on, and it's done.

Next time you want to cycle, think about how you are feeling now.
Hey guys, I have been running a cycle of deca and test for the past 16 weeks, I am now coming off and using HCG and clomid for my pct. But I am experiencing some next level depression and anxiety and I’m not sure whether it’s from the clomid or just my levels being all over the shop?? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
Why do you cycle and what is your time on/time off?

16 weeks on 8 weeks off?

16 weeks on and 36 weeks off?


Would love to hear the details and planning you put into this.
Why do you cycle and what is your time on/time off?

16 weeks on 8 weeks off?

16 weeks on and 36 weeks off?


Would love to hear the details and planning you put into this.
So I did a 16 week cycle last year with test and masteron and then I only had about a month off before starting the next cycle, I also noticed that my results even from the deca and test weren’t as crazy as what I thought they would be. But now that I’m off and feeling like this I don’t think I even want to go again
So I did a 16 week cycle last year with test and masteron and then I only had about a month off before starting the next cycle, I also noticed that my results even from the deca and test weren’t as crazy as what I thought they would be. But now that I’m off and feeling like this I don’t think I even want to go again
Sounds like one of my typical post-cycle shitstorms. Just try your best to ride it out. You'll come out the other side soon enough. Make sure you keep your diet in check and keep training even if you don't have the energy. Exercise seems to be very helpful when dealing with the blues. I've never used clomid because I've heard it can screw with emotions. I'm crazy enough as it is, thank you very much.
Sounds like one of my typical post-cycle shitstorms. Just try your best to ride it out. You'll come out the other side soon enough. Make sure you keep your diet in check and keep training even if you don't have the energy. Exercise seems to be very helpful when dealing with the blues. I've never used clomid because I've heard it can screw with emotions. I'm crazy enough as it is, thank you very much.
What do you use for Pct then ? Or do you blast and cruise?
Sounds like one of my typical post-cycle shitstorms. Just try your best to ride it out. You'll come out the other side soon enough. Make sure you keep your diet in check and keep training even if you don't have the energy. Exercise seems to be very helpful when dealing with the blues. I've never used clomid because I've heard it can screw with emotions. I'm crazy enough as it is, thank you very much.
Yeah 100% man I’ve never really come off and given my body enough of a break to be fair and I think that’s why it hit me so hard but yeah man still training like normal and diet is good, glad to see people know what I’m on about
Yeah 100% man I’ve never really come off and given my body enough of a break to be fair and I think that’s why it hit me so hard but yeah man still training like normal and diet is good, glad to see people know what I’m on about
Oh yeah man it's common. Everyone has their own ways to deal with it. Don't worry it will pass eventually. Just keep chugging along.
What do you use for Pct then ? Or do you blast and cruise?
I blast and cruise these days. Even when I used to come off I would just come off without taking any pct drugs. I never ran any cycles that would be considered heavy though, so that may be why recovery was never too difficult.
For my first cycles, I did PCT, and never really felt depressive.

But lately, this has changed, and I got pretty depressed during PCT, and I experienced severe mood changes. I could go from hilarious to crying for no obvious reason in a few seconds.

Now I'm cruising, partly to avoid this depression.