Post-Operative Cycle to Limit Significant Muscle Loss


New Member
I have just received confirmation that I will be having an osteotomy (bone removal) from a large segment of my lateral fibula. I have read every thread on here, on reddit, and online regarding test only cycles, oral AAS, and HGH for recovery and muscle retention. However, due to the level of knowledge on this forum, I thought I would pose this question to the community.

My plan so far is BPC, TB500, and HGH at 2IU/day. For the first month I will have practically no movement. I won't be able to bear my full weight for up to 6-10 weeks, depending on my recovery. I don't want to come out of this losing more muscle than I have to. So my questions are as follows: Has anyone used AAS to heal a surgical procedure? If so, what did you use, how was your muscle retention, and what sides, if any, did you experience? Would a Test C cycle at approximately 150-300mg/week assist in maintaining lean muscle mass?

Appreciate the read. Cheers.