Post up your Natty IGF-1 Level

And since I just got my blood work back after 7 days of 1IU, 7 days of 1.6IU, and then 5 days of 2IU:


3.7 standard deviations above the mean for my age
Interesting. That's considered a short amount of time to raise igf. Usually people will wait about 6 weeks after increasing GH dose to see new igf level. Seems like you are a very good responder!
Interesting. That's considered a short amount of time to raise igf. Usually people will wait about 6 weeks after increasing GH dose to see new igf level. Seems like you are a very good responder!

The tests were for other reasons, but I figured I'd throw IGF-1 in there since I had started GH. I was really surprised by the result!
Did you test your natural IGF-1 level?

Wait, did you mean fully natty (no gear at all) or just no hGH? I was reading this whole thread thinking you meant just no hGH. Cuz pretty sure just about anyone here who is getting IGF-1 tested is on some sort of gear (maybe not hGH tho)

Are you seeing big IGF-1 responses to gear?
Wait, did you mean fully natty (no gear at all) or just no hGH? I was reading this whole thread thinking you meant just no hGH. Cuz pretty sure just about anyone here who is getting IGF-1 tested is on some sort of gear (maybe not hGH tho)

Are you seeing big IGF-1 responses to gear?

I mentioned in my post that my test was before starting gear. Probably some of the numbers here are without HGH but with aas in in place. I've read that testosterone and anabolics in general raise IGF (also eating in surplas does it) but do you have any idea what difference it could make if you're in aas compared to natty? Is it significant or just a few points?
Wait, did you mean fully natty (no gear at all) or just no hGH? I was reading this whole thread thinking you meant just no hGH. Cuz pretty sure just about anyone here who is getting IGF-1 tested is on some sort of gear (maybe not hGH tho)

Are you seeing big IGF-1 responses to gear?
LOL, no way. Nobody tests it fully natty. I was asking him about his natural IGF-1 because he posted his results with 1 iu, then 2, and so on. I did not see a number for his body's natural production of IGF-1 without injecting hgh.
LOL, no way. Nobody tests it fully natty. I was asking him about his natural IGF-1 because he posted his results with 1 iu, then 2, and so on. I did not see a number for his body's natural production of IGF-1 without injecting hgh.
Tf are you talking about then. Most of your posts seem to make no sense,
Tf are you talking about then. Most of your posts seem to make no sense,
Well, we all do our best to communicate in written form and hope that out intention is clear.

As for you, though, check out the first post. Most understood it well enough. I was looking for IGF-1 numbers on persons who were not injecting hgh.

Those who also posted numbers after injecting hgh, though, added very useful information for us.

Sorry :Most of [my] posts seem to make no sense," though. I will try to do better when writing.
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I did not see a number for his body's natural production of IGF-1 without injecting hgh.
OK, I can see how my post wasn't very clear

On May 24th, my no HGH IGF-1 level was 178. This blood test was taken at the end of a Test/Primo only blast.

On July 15th I started HGH at 1iu and ran that for 10 days
On July 25th (10 days) I increased to 2iu and stuck to that.

On Aug 21st, my IGF-1 level measured 333
OK, I can see how my post wasn't very clear

On May 24th, my no HGH IGF-1 level was 178. This blood test was taken at the end of a Test/Primo only blast.

On July 15th I started HGH at 1iu and ran that for 10 days
On July 25th (10 days) I increased to 2iu and stuck to that.

On Aug 21st, my IGF-1 level measured 333
Wow. I wish I had that sort of response or even your original no-hgh number. 333 on 2iu is great!
100 ng/ml today after almost 7 years on androgens. Z score is minus 0.5.

Pre TRT it was about 200. I am investigating GH as next add on. Would be a big jump as GH ain't winning you any longevity points.


FIG. 2
Individual points and fitted percentiles for males (right side) and females (left side). Displayed are the 2.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 97.5% percentiles calculated by quantile regression via vector generalized additive models (LMS VGAM method).

Gory details: see supplemental data (link in paper)
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LOL, no way. Nobody tests it fully natty. I was asking him about his natural IGF-1 because he posted his results with 1 iu, then 2, and so on. I did not see a number for his body's natural production of IGF-1 without injecting hgh.
I tested mine id guess u can say full natty… and it was 137… ive only ever been on trt… never cycled… but atopped trt over 10 yrs ago… i got a test shot from my urologist last September… and havent touched test since and my natural test levels after almost a year( 2 months shy of a year) was were at 746…

View attachment 295709

FIG. 2
Individual points and fitted percentiles for males (right side) and females (left side). Displayed are the 2.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 97.5% percentiles calculated by quantile regression via vector generalized additive models (LMS VGAM method).

Gory details: see supplemental data (link in paper)

Damn, threading really closely to the bottom 2.5%. I need to get some validation today somewhere ...