Post up your Natty IGF-1 Level

Have you tried switching up your dosage timing to before bedtime?
I was already using it at bedtime. The lethargy would actually be at its worst the following afternoon.
Start at 1.0 and increase by 0.5 or even 0.25 every week. Once you hit your ceiling dose, lethargy should go away in a weeks time tops.
Thank you, this seems like a good strategy that I will try. Maybe my mistake was trying to start at 2 IU. I'm also going to try switching to IM. Maybe the SC injections stick around too long.
I was already using it at bedtime. The lethargy would actually be at its worst the following afternoon.

Thank you, this seems like a good strategy that I will try. Maybe my mistake was trying to start at 2 IU. I'm also going to try switching to IM. Maybe the SC injections stick around too long.
Definitely need to go IM taken right before sleep. SQ is 2x longer peak time. You want that peak about 2hours into sleep. With sq you need to take about 2hours prior to sleep.
And definitely start with a lower dose.
Since you know 2ius are too much, drop to 1.5ius and then work your way down. GL.
I was already using it at bedtime. The lethargy would actually be at its worst the following afternoon.

Thank you, this seems like a good strategy that I will try. Maybe my mistake was trying to start at 2 IU. I'm also going to try switching to IM. Maybe the SC injections stick around too long.

IM vs subq is a small difference. Maybe half an hour faster Tmax in favour of IM. However, injection depth, location and individual variance matter.

And start as low as you're willing to go. 1.5 as mentioned above will probably be too high if 2 produced such unbearable lethargy.