Post your Controversial Opinions here

The focus of this is your family.
Papa bear the protector.
I suppose you see physical violence and aggression as a manifestation of your love.
I doubt anyone would object to that.

But what is dear to you may be different for someone else.
How about someone prepared to smash your face in because you (maybe unwittingly) got too close to their stash of drugs, or you dented their brand new car that is their most treasured possession and they want to roll you into a ball because you drive like shit.
Would you say that is justifiable or do you think they should have drawn the line, because that to you is just "stuff"?
can you guys flirt with eachother in Private Message and not clog up my controversial thread thanks

You go ahead and ask for the posts that you think are clogging your thread up to be removed. That would be a valid reason for the deletion you request.

You forgot to answer this, though

So you think this is the type of person it comes from.
All talk no action, just keyboard warrior bs?

And what do you think about Narta's controversial opinion on violence, anyway?
You go ahead and say.
I won't think that you are flirting with him, don't worry.

You are not his type.
The focus of this is your family.
Papa bear the protector.
I suppose you see physical violence and aggression as a manifestation of your love.
I doubt anyone would object to that.

But what is dear to you may be different for someone else.
How about someone prepared to smash your face in because you (maybe unwittingly) got too close to their stash of drugs, or you dented their brand new car that is their most treasured possession and they want to roll you into a ball because you drive like shit.
Would you say that is justifiable or do you think they should have drawn the line, because that to you is just "stuff"?
If one can't distinguish the value of a loved one like a significant other, a child or any human being that he should see as sacred from material possessions then he has some work to do before he can even assume to understand what ja ustified act of violence is.

Material possessions have zero value, imho. They can always be replaced: a smashed car can be restored, a stash can be repurchased, but a human life can never be replaced or even truly fixed if it's badly broken.
Between y’all bashing beards and tattoos and the other thread about people using too much gear, I’m feeling very singled out.
If one can't distinguish the value of a loved one like a significant other, a child or any human being that he should see as sacred from material possessions then he has some work to do before he can even assume to understand what ja ustified act of violence is.

Material possessions have zero value, imho. They can always be replaced: a smashed car can be restored, a stash can be repurchased, but a human life can never be replaced or even truly fixed if it's badly broken.
Yes, but YOU are saying that from your own point of view.
To you the only sacred thing is your family.
I am not disagreeing with you.
I am just saying that when it's put like that, then it can all become very relative, nevermind what in your book is sacred.

You think they have stuff to learn.
They would beg to differ.
Who cares what you think, they would say.
Who are you to tell me what is worth protecting?
Between y’all bashing beards and tattoos and the other thread about people using too much gear, I’m feeling very singled out.

What can we do to make you feel more included?
Do you want me to say I love tattoos and beards?
It ain't gonna happen :)
Have you posted your controversial opinion?
Theoretically, we shouldn't comment...
You think they have stuff to learn.
They would beg to differ.
Who cares what you think, they would say.
Who are you to tell me what is worth protecting?
Fair enough. But even the laws of men wouldn't find an act like that justifiable.
To you the only sacred thing is your family.
Clarification: I said child. Not my child. All children that are not the instigators of violance and mayhem themselves, are worth protecting.
You go ahead and ask for the posts that you think are clogging your thread up to be removed. That would be a valid reason for the deletion you request.

You forgot to answer this, though

And what do you think about Narta's controversial opinion on violence, anyway?
You go ahead and say.
I won't think that you are flirting with him, don't worry.

You are not his type.
Violence solves problems, go lift weights.
People like you are more abundant on meso because you have no friends and don't go to the gym due to anxiety.
Controversial take
It is 100% possible to use Tren responsibility. My controversial take.

I have more than enough equipment down in the dungeon to handle pretty much everything I need to do training wise, but I still pay my money every month to go to the gym because it’s pretty much my social outlet. Plus it’s something my wife has a hard time busting my balls about. If I spent 2 hours after work at the bar then that would probably not go over nearly as well. Pretty much everyone in my close social circle is fitness obsessed just like I am, and after awhile you begin to have a very “us vs them” attitude towards the rest of the world that does not prioritize training.
It is 100% possible to use Tren responsibility. My controversial take.


I have more than enough equipment down in the dungeon to handle pretty much everything I need to do training wise, but I still pay my money every month to go to the gym because it’s pretty much my social outlet. Plus it’s something my wife has a hard time busting my balls about. If I spent 2 hours after work at the bar then that would probably not go over nearly as well. Pretty much everyone in my close social circle is fitness obsessed just like I am, and after awhile you begin to have a very “us vs them” attitude towards the rest of the world that does not prioritize training.
People who use the gym as a social outlet just take up space.