

New Member
Well this source may have been decent, but the $250 minimum order and his test 400 with ethyl oleate burned me bad. That shit had me laid up with flu symptoms for days and huge sore knots in my leg for WEEKS! I am now stuck with unusable BULLSHIT and the will not answer my pleas for compensation. Too bad scam sites like eroids continue to mislead people into throwing their money away and we have to learn by experience. I finally have a good source and will stick with that, although I may try to get raw powder soon. I will give honest reviews as always. Those who wish to insult me for my honesty, shill for the thieves, or laugh at those who get burned please stay off my thread. This is for information, so people can learn from my experience, and the shills can take a hike.
Dude, I really think you should think about
staying natural and getting your stuff from GNC.

You can't get burned from GNC... Well, maybe YOU can
but it's very unlikely, and they do have some good stuff now.
Science has come a long way, for the natural BBer.

I never brewed with EO, and I never will.
I don't even see why it's being used.

I feel so bad for you now, that your making me
want to get another lab going, just to brew you your gear.

I am being serious. I am not going to make fun of you anymore
cause I am really starting to believe your being serious.

Never EVER EVER buy 400mg/ml gear unless it's EQ
and even with that 300mg is probably all I would buy.
There are way too many inject spots. No one needs 400mg/ml

I hit 6 different spots every week, and I am still left with plenty more
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Dude, I really think you should think about
staying natural and getting your stuff from GNC.

You can't get burned from GNC... Well, maybe YOU can
but it's very unlikely, and they do have some good stuff now.
Science has come a long way, for the natural BBer.

I never brewed with EO, and I never will.
I don't even see why it's being used.

I feel so bad for you now, that your making me
want to get another lab going, just to brew you your gear.

I am being serious. I am not going to make fun of you anymore
cause I am really starting to believe your being serious.

Never EVER EVER buy 400mg/ml gear unless it's EQ
and even with that 300mg is probably all I would buy.
There are way too many inject spots. No one needs 400mg/ml

I hit 6 different spots every week, and I am still left with plenty more

OK if you want to discuss these issues seriously, try to listen.
1.: I mixed the gear down by half, and it still causes terrible knots.
2.: I never knew it was mixed with ethyl oleate, which btw was claimed to be a smoother oil.
3.: I HAVE found a good lab, which I am sticking with now.
4.:The purpose of my posts is to inform others of my experience so that they might avoid the unpleasant issues I have had to deal with and not have to learn by trial and error as I have.
5.: I would be very leery of taking advice from you, and would never let someone brew my gear who doesn't even know the difference between "your" and "you're".
Didn't know you were a GrammEr Nahtzee too.

If you must know :
Not always, but improper use of the simple apostrophe is so ubiquitous is has become a pet peeve for me. Such basic misunderstanding of grade school writing skills indicate a deficiency in reading serious articles and a proclivity for reading misinformation from other uneducated individuals,making the information from the person in question of doubtful veracity, which I think was clearly indicated in my response.
Was the implication of my avatar not clear enough for you?
MANWHORE:After being unfortunate enough to have read dozens of your posts, I have never heard one piece of helpful information from you, only insults, bad jokes, and bragging about yourself, in regards to your experience,knowledge and good sources(which you never share) or your sexual prowess(why you think we want to hear this is beyond me). Why don't you take my original direction and stay off my thread?
MANWHORE:After being unfortunate enough to have read dozens of your posts, I have never heard one piece of helpful information from you, only insults, bad jokes, and bragging about yourself, in regards to your experience,knowledge and good sources(which you never share) or your sexual prowess(why you think we want to hear this is beyond me). Why don't you take my original direction and stay off my thread?

but...but...he has cookies[:o)]
well I wish I could trade you because the shit kills me and I will never try to use it again.

I hear you my friend. Sources should make guys aware when eo is used. Some boards require them to list what type of oil/solvents are used. I'm certain you will be inquiring from now on.;)
I hear you my friend. Sources should make guys aware when eo is used. Some boards require them to list what type of oil/solvents are used. I'm certain you will be inquiring from now on.;)

Actually I found an excellent source, great gear, corn oil, 3 day shipping. I will be sticking with them. How about a trade my friend, unopened bottles 400 test e, if you like it so much?

Try to keep up..
and what is wrong with my "YOUR"?

I said I was going to brew you "YOUR" gear
I wouldn't say I was going to brew you "YOU ARE" gear

I, ALSO, do not think, that everyone here, wants YOU
representing them, so stop doing it.

You have a new source?
O BOY, I can't wait to hear how this one screws you.

Your ass must be killing you.

I was trying to help BTW.

Why am I replying to this again :confused:
Actually I found an excellent source, great gear, corn oil, 3 day shipping. I will be sticking with them. How about a trade my friend, unopened bottles 400 test e, if you like it so much?

I wasn't ignoring you my man! I just saw this post! At this point I have to say no thank you. I'm pretty well set. But I will keep this in mind. I'm kinda shy. Nothing to do with not trusting you, brother....just rules I've set and try to follow.
Some people have an adverse reaction to EO ...
Looks like you fall into that category my man.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rosco had an adverse reaction to water.

He probably wouldn't know up until now, cause the
water company is pumping counterfeit water into his faucet.

Yes my friends, he can't even get real water [:o)]

Just messin wit ya Rosco P. Coltrane