PPL Test Cyp (250mg/week) bloodwork


New Member
IMG_1527.JPG Long story short, doctor is family friend and let's me pick whatever bloodwork I want to have done but he was out and the girl who pulled up the labcodes apparently pulled up all the wrong ones. I asked for the uncapped Tt and Ft, not androgen index. Regardless, I felt like it was worth posting up to show the Tt results.

Labs taken 46 hrs post injection
6 weeks in, 250mg/week.
I know the norm is 48 but I was working haha so it was 46 or nothing.
Excuse all the marks. It had a bunch of personal info on it.
Finished product or home brew?

U.S. domestic or international?

Weekly dose in one shot or split into two?
And for comparisons sake, on Watson test e or Perrigo test c at 200mg/week, I've tested 1200-1500 total t.