Ppl test e/tren e/dbol log


New Member
Had to cut my last cycle short due to a injury so I decided to do another cycle a little earlier then planned so here we go again. Pretty bloods came in there are a couple of problem areas like hemocrit, rbc, and hemoglobin but are not too out of line for me. My hemocrit tends to run high because of dehydration from my work environment. I ran the numbers by my doctor and he is not worried at the moment even knowing my habits. I'll still be donating just to stay on the safe side, but I really just need to watch my water. I figured I'd cover that before the questions rolled in about them.
5 11
11% body fat
Each muscle group once a week except calfs and abs. I will also have one dead lift session per week.
Test E 750mg weekly 16 weeks
Tren E 600 weekly 16 weeks
Dbol 60mgs daily 10-16
Aromisin as needed, taken usually on pin days but none the first week20171121_124125.png .
The dbol dose is not set in stone I've done up to 80mgs daily with good results so I may adjust that a little up or down depending on what my body tells me. My body reacts to tren well and I do not get bad sides so I'm comfortable running it at those numbers.
So here we go again, just for you @Apexvallen
Nice. Subbed. Doing a Panda blast myself so id like to see your results as well. U got the liquid dbol? Thats what i got.
@CAswole. No I went international and got the 40mg tabs. I was tempted to run it at the beginning but had a good conversation with @Apexvallen and @Roger rabbit and decided to run it at the end.
No I have not run it that long but close. I decided to try it out. I'm pretty tolerable to the sides so we will see. I will definitely adjust if necessary.

You ran tren that long before? Thats going to be a long 16 weeks hahaha.
Damn it did not post everything. @Apexvallen, I haven’t ran it that long but close so I'm giving it a try. I'm pretty tolerant with the sides but will adjust as necessary.
I pinned for the first time yesterday and actually have zero pip. It was very thin oil so I'm assuming it was the mygiol.
I'm getting some pip from the mygiol. Test cyp did not agree with a recent delt pin. Weird , sore, red lump under pin area in upper arm. That was a couple days ago though I'm all good now. Npp no prob anywhere. Just gotta keep the test in my cheeks.
I use only my quads for pinning these days. I'd only use different areas if I was doing Ed pins. The only really bad pip I've had recently is when I was running potgs sust 300. That stuff was rough
I use only my quads for pinning these days. I'd only use different areas if I was doing Ed pins. The only really bad pip I've had recently is when I was running potgs sust 300. That stuff was rough
Man I'm jealous. Wish i could pin quads. Nothing but bad luck.
That's a shame a lot of people are having a reaction to the mig oil. I absolutely love it. Two pins in this week and I have zero pip.
First week in the books. Already suffering a little loss of sleep but luckily a good dose of melentonin helps with the. I was thinking of adding about 100mgs of some npp just for the joints. I still have some leftover from my last run.
Week two starting. Once again pinning was smooth. Like I said a little bit of insomnia has started but was able to take care of it with no problems.
Actually got some pip from the last pin, I just assume that I wiggled the needle or something. Switched up my routine this week. Trying to maximize gains from this cycle. Diet is good and on point.
Week 2 is coming to a close. I'm definitely retaining some water. I've waited on starting my ai for a couple of weeks because tren doesn't aromitise but I think it's time to start a low dose. Weight is going up. The new routine is brutal but feeling good. Work out is becoming more crisp, less time between sets.
Start of week three. Started a low dose of aromisin at 6.25 and will take it on pin days. Started bloating some so I figured it was time. The tren sides are still very low and completely manageable. Weight is up 10lbs but I attribute most of it to water weight. I figure by next week everything will start to shine.
Start of week three. Started a low dose of aromisin at 6.25 and will take it on pin days. Started bloating some so I figured it was time. The tren sides are still very low and completely manageable. Weight is up 10lbs but I attribute most of it to water weight. I figure by next week everything will start to shine.
Keep an eye on your liver my friend. It is nothing to worry about at the moments but better safe than sorry. If the ATL gets to about 90+ I would drop the Dbol.
Subbed by the way.
I'll definitely keep an eye on that thanks for the advice. We will see when I get bloods in a few weeks. I'm not going to start the dbol until week 10.