Pre-Cycle Bloods


New Member
Just wanted to know how my test levels were for my age, I feel like they're a little low. Also wanted some insight on how bad it is to have high levels of bilirubin and Alkaline phosphatase, Im thinking its just from recent drug use/Alcohol. Its not high enough to insinuate long term issues, correct? Thanks guys
Test Results.jpg Test Results 2.jpg
Also Im pretty sure the high glucose is because i drank gatorade before the test, figured out that wasn't the best idea..
How old are you?

What time were the bloods pulled?

Your flagged levels are only just over the reference range so I wouldn't be too concerned. Although, your BG may be something to keep an eye on in the future. Gatorade definitely would have thrown it off but that still looks on the high side to me but I'm not largely familiar with how far it could be thrown off.
How old are you?

What time were the bloods pulled?

Your flagged levels are only just over the reference range so I wouldn't be too concerned. Although, your BG may be something to keep an eye on in the future. Gatorade definitely would have thrown it off but that still looks on the high side to me but I'm not largely familiar with how far it could be thrown off.

Thanks for the advice man, and im 21, bloods were done 9/8/16 10:00 AM.
Morning time is best to get blood drawn which is why I asked.

Your levels aren't that bad either. Everyone wants a 5000 natty test level lol.

Haha alright thanks bro, and Im gonna be running Test E 500mg/week. What would you recommend keeping my Estradiol level at? Try keeping it at the same test/e2 ratio it is natty, or just monitor it and find what level I feel good at?
Haha alright thanks bro, and Im gonna be running Test E 500mg/week. What would you recommend keeping my Estradiol level at? Try keeping it at the same test/e2 ratio it is natty, or just monitor it and find what level I feel good at?

I don't take AI unless I have symptoms of high E2. That's my preference, you'll have to find yours. Make sure you have what you need in case symptoms pop up.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure.
I don't take AI unless I have symptoms of high E2. That's my preference, you'll have to find yours. Make sure you have what you need in case symptoms pop up.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure.

Having what I need as in an AI? and how and why should I keep an eye on blood pressure?
Lol your natty levels low? Trade ya my 270 natty level for your low level. Your natty levels are where mine fall on trt. I doubt mine were ever as high as yours.
Oh and you can also check your bp a few times a week at a pharmacy or supermarket at one of their machines, forgot to mention that.

My arms are too big to fit in them most of the time though because of gainz... :(
My arms aren't very big and even mine won't fit in the machine at Walmart anymore. Damn the gains!