I haven't been on it 4 years. I've represented them for 4 years now. I've don't three cycles in the past 2 years.
Here are your pictures...
5'10 203lbs at an 8% body fat...
Even more information you shouldn't have posted.
In only 3 days time, you've proven over and over how STUPID you are.
Yes, STUPID. I choose that word to describe you because someone with reasonable intelligence would NOT have attempted to sell illegal drugs online without taking the time to investigate the basics of security. And if you have investigated, you have failed to apply what you should have learned.
Those pics you posted are ripe with data that can be used to directly connect you to all the other pieces of sensitive info you've already posted for the world to see.
Lets recap your STUPIDITY:
1. Posting the city of operations
2. Using gmail (with lab name and location in addy)
3. Your relationship to the lab and the person running it
4. Info about your school and career pursuit
5. Pics that can both identify you and your iphone you took them with
Someone please correct me if I missed anything.
The above STUPIDITY puts you AND everyone that communicates with you at risk! We don't want and certainly don't need your careless and reckless behavior here!
And as far as the products you're pushing being the equivalent to the BMW/Mercedes of gear...STFU with that nonsense!
Tell me, point by point, how you can justify that position, when the only two things that matter in quality of product is proper dosing and sterility?
You cannot guarantee any of those claims unless every batch of raws are tested and verified by an independent accredited lab AND every vial and pill of every batch are also verified through analytical testing.
So again, STFU with you STUPID claims of superior product! At best, BEST, your product is just like any other UGL currently on the market, except at a ridiculous price.
In summary: GTFO