Primo and test for my next cycle?


New Member
Curious on your opinions on 350 mg test E with 200 mg primo and possibly 200 mg NPP/deca. I’m currently doing some reading about it but is it worth the money? Money isn’t really an issue to me but I rather not triple the price of my cycle for no reason. I hear many mixed opinions on primo being worth it. What should I expect from it? This is my 4th cycle.

I’d probably begin to “cruise” on 200 mg of Test after this one.
Primo is great if you have the money and you are less than 15 percent body fat. Most guys on here will tell you that primo needs to be run at a bear minimum of 400 to 600. Only way to tell for sure would be trial and error on your part to see what works for you. If you want an opinion on your cycle I’d go with 500 test 300 primo 300 npp. If you’re not opposed to pinning 5 days a week. Divide that all into 5 days and micro dose it for 12-16 weeks. So daily would be 120 test 60 primo 60 npp. If you are less than 15 percent closer to 10 you will love how you look by the end of that cycle. Assuming you eat and supplement right as well.
Curious on your opinions on 350 mg test E with 200 mg primo and possibly 200 mg NPP/deca. I’m currently doing some reading about it but is it worth the money? Money isn’t really an issue to me but I rather not triple the price of my cycle for no reason. I hear many mixed opinions on primo being worth it. What should I expect from it? This is my 4th cycle.

I’d probably begin to “cruise” on 200 mg of Test after this one.
Primo at 200mg a week isn’t to much money. When you run a gram it can get expensive. Here’s a super effective cycle thats a favorite on here:

300mg Test
300mg Nandrolone
300mg Mast

You can change the amounts, I wouldn’t go over a gram total. It’s not gonna matter much if it’s mast or primo in there.
I personally wouldn’t even bother running Primo unless you’re going to use it at a minimum of 700mg a week. 1000mg/wk is ideal, but it takes a lot of pinning and money, if you’re going to use real Bayer Rimobolan.
I personally wouldn’t even bother running Primo unless you’re going to use it at a minimum of 700mg a week. 1000mg/wk is ideal, but it takes a lot of pinning and money, if you’re going to use real Bayer Rimobolan.
No you don’t. You don’t need to run a gram of anything. Pure bro science bullshit. I can run 3-4 compounds ALL total under a gram and have fantastic results. Gear is meant to compliment a good diet and supplements an excellent work ethic in the gym and rest.
I personally wouldn’t even bother running Primo unless you’re going to use it at a minimum of 700mg a week. 1000mg/wk is ideal, but it takes a lot of pinning and money, if you’re going to use real Bayer Rimobolan.
Wow not another guy saying primo under a gram is a waste.

People that say this probably never ran it low or don’t know how to train or eat properly.

“Real Bayer Rimobolan” don’t mean shit just means it’s 10x more likely to be faked and over priced. I’ll stick with my cocaine/fishscale looking raw primo and be more then satisfied at 400mg ew.
200mg primo is pretty low, but you might like it... I would say you'd need to run it for quite a while to get the primo look. I think 4iu of GH would give you a much better look, for comparison.

Combining with NPP is slightly unusual, IMO. Are you looking to go into a hypertrophy phase, cut, or a recomp?

400 would be better, IMO. If money isn't an issue, run as much as you want... It's the only substance I've found that really seems to have no diminishing returns. The only side effect that bothered me was hair loss, other than that it was completely side free other than looking awesome all summer long. 600mg is what I'll run this summer with 4iu GH and anavar rotated in and out.
Primo at 200mg a week isn’t to much money. When you run a gram it can get expensive. Here’s a super effective cycle thats a favorite on here:

300mg Test
300mg Nandrolone
300mg Mast

You can change the amounts, I wouldn’t go over a gram total. It’s not gonna matter much if it’s mast or primo in there.
exactly the cycle I ran last time and suffered some shitty acne.

such amazing gains though.
200mg primo is pretty low, but you might like it... I would say you'd need to run it for quite a while to get the primo look. I think 4iu of GH would give you a much better look, for comparison.

Combining with NPP is slightly unusual, IMO. Are you looking to go into a hypertrophy phase, cut, or a recomp?

400 would be better, IMO. If money isn't an issue, run as much as you want... It's the only substance I've found that really seems to have no diminishing returns. The only side effect that bothered me was hair loss, other than that it was completely side free other than looking awesome all summer long. 600mg is what I'll run this summer with 4iu GH and anavar rotated in and out.
I’m currently natty cutting down. This cycle would be a hypertrophy phase. I don’t necessarily want to bulk 30 lbs more like 10-15. I’m trying to really focus on real tissue instead of chasing lbs and Prs. I also want to be as healthy as I possibly can. I am going for a frank zayme type of look nothing to massive.

big time quality this time around with as little sides as possible
I can't speak on primo. I have no experience with it.

But as to this...
I don’t necessarily want to bulk 30 lbs more like 10-15. I’m trying to really focus on real tissue instead of chasing lbs and Prs. I also want to be as healthy as I possibly can. I am going for a frank zayme type of look nothing to massive.

I've had excellent results with NPP at 350 to 425 mg/wk with test at about 350 weekly. Looking back this was one of my most effective cycles at putting on quality lean tissue. Nothing fancy. Test and NPP, good diet, training on point...

You are probably familiar with NPP. I know nandrolone is nadrolone and all but I much prefer the shorter ester.

DHTs make me piss constantly... I can't fuck with them.
I can't speak on primo. I have no experience with it.

But as to this...

I've had excellent results with NPP at 350 to 425 mg/wk with test at about 350 weekly. Looking back this was one of my most effective cycles at putting on quality lean tissue. Nothing fancy. Test and NPP, good diet, training on point...

You are probably familiar with NPP. I know nandrolone is nadrolone and all but I much prefer the shorter ester.

DHTs make me piss constantly... I can't fuck with them.
i absolutely loved my 300 mast NPP and test cycle Even though I cut it at 6-7 weeks. The eod pinning beat my ass though. I need to read up more on managing my acne while using those compounds. BBBG explained to me how dht affects follicles and I believe that’s what is happening to me. Unless my e2 was messed up but I got blood work and I was in the 40-50 range with 2500 test levels. I never had any gyno issues either. It’s unfortunate the acne kills it for me. It isn’t worth having muscles and looking great if it’s covered in shit.

I much prefer short esters. This time around though I’ll probably do mast E and Test E/C.
i absolutely loved my 300 mast NPP and test cycle Even though I cut it at 6-7 weeks. The eod pinning beat my ass though. I need to read up more on managing my acne while using those compounds. BBBG explained to me how dht affects follicles and I believe that’s what is happening to me. Unless my e2 was messed up but I got blood work and I was in the 40-50 range with 2500 test levels. I never had any gyno issues either. It’s unfortunate the acne kills it for me. It isn’t worth having muscles and looking great if it’s covered in shit.

I much prefer short esters. This time around though I’ll probably do mast E and Test E/C.
2500 ng/dl is a lot and 40-50 E2 is up there. I would lower the test. For me to get to 2500 I would need 600mg test minimum. Acne happens with fluctuations of hormones. That’s why guys that PCT get acne and guys that on TRT tend to do better.
I’m currently natty cutting down. This cycle would be a hypertrophy phase. I don’t necessarily want to bulk 30 lbs more like 10-15. I’m trying to really focus on real tissue instead of chasing lbs and Prs. I also want to be as healthy as I possibly can. I am going for a frank zayme type of look nothing to massive.

big time quality this time around with as little sides as possible

I personally wouldn't use primo for hypertrophy purposes, I think it would be kind of inefficient. I would stick with the NPP for that and maybe bump it up a tad to like 400mg. Diet is going to be your biggest asset with the lean gains. You can add primo to really heighten the look later and save the money. Just my opinion, I'd be interested to see what others experience are with using it to bulk.

Also, you can get away with less than EOD pins with that. Sometimes a MWF schedule can be nice too, taking the weekend off for a break.
Primo at 200mg a week isn’t to much money. When you run a gram it can get expensive. Here’s a super effective cycle thats a favorite on here:

300mg Test
300mg Nandrolone
300mg Mast

You can change the amounts, I wouldn’t go over a gram total. It’s not gonna matter much if it’s mast or primo in there.

Wow not another guy saying primo under a gram is a waste.

People that say this probably never ran it low or don’t know how to train or eat properly.

“Real Bayer Rimobolan” don’t mean shit just means it’s 10x more likely to be faked and over priced. I’ll stick with my cocaine/fishscale looking raw primo and be more then satisfied at 400mg ew.

I'm running that stack right now
Nit too sure why I bother with any other Vycle.
250 Test Cyp
300 Deca
400 Mast

Feel great
Fantastic blast... and VERY easy in the pinning schedule since I'm running 300mg/ml deca

As for the Primo,

Even 200mg on a cruise or with a Tren run is fantastic, 200 really gives a nice full look and a great libido boost.

Couldnt agree more that Primo is a overdosed compound, it can really shine at lower doses as a part of a stack.

That being said
a 1g Primo run is something I want to try one day, like @Eman said..
It feels like Primo just doesnt have the diminishing returns like other compounds do
That being said
a 1g Primo run is something I want to try one day, like @Eman said..
It feels like Primo just doesnt have the diminishing returns like other compounds do

I think my highest ever was like 1400mg, it didn't feel like I was on anything as far as sides go... Hairline was NOT happy though. It was at the point I was semi embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach because it just felt so blatantly obvious I was juiced to the gills.
I think my highest ever was like 1400mg, it didn't feel like I was on anything as far as sides go... Hairline was NOT happy though. It was at the point I was semi embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach because it just felt so blatantly obvious I was juiced to the gills.

That's a lot of Primo lol
I'd have to brew 200mg/ml to even be happy with 1g, 10ml of oil isnt terrivle per week, but not fun.
How much Test did you run with that much primo to not crash e2?
That's a lot of Primo lol
I'd have to brew 200mg/ml to even be happy with 1g, 10ml of oil isnt terrivle per week, but not fun.
How much Test did you run with that much primo to not crash e2?

400mg of TPP.

I wouldn't go that high again, I don't think... There was a guy on another forum that was like a primo junkie. He'd run over 2 grams and then hundreds of mg of oral primo acetate on top of it. He was the first person I saw mention that he didn't think there was a point of diminishing returns, last I recall he planning to go even higher. Dude just fucking loved primo... I mean, absolutely loved it. Pretty sure he cruised on it year round, IIRC.

Anyways, that's where I gained interest in running a large cycle of it. To be honest, I tend to try low dose cycles and very high dose of different compounds just because I'm a curious person. Once I've done it, I tend to be reserved on future cycles. If hair loss wasn't a concern, I'd run a gram of primo again... Till then, closer to half of that is where you'll find me.