Primo as an AI

Markimus Rex

New Member
51 year old male, 1st year of TRT, currently on 150mg of test e, 50mg m/w/f, 250iu of HCG m/w/f.

My e2 levels were over last blood test, probably due to the HCG, Ive added 0.5 adex 2-3 times a week and some Calcium D-Glucarate 1g ED and DIM-200 400mg ED, to try and control it, I've got another blood test in 3 weeks to see how its working
My question is I'm considering using Primo as an AI instead, but I'm not sure on the timing of the switch, I was thinking of adding the Primo and then dropping the dex and Calcium D-Glucarate, DIM-200 7-10days later, does anyone know if primo will take over in the 7-10 days or will if take longer? I'd hate to mistime it and end with high e2 again

P.S. for those who would question why I include HCG in my TRT and say I should simply let my balls go at my age, let me tell you, your never too old for ball size and functionality to be important to your overall health and wellbeing :)
51 year old male, 1st year of TRT, currently on 150mg of test e, 50mg m/w/f, 250iu of HCG m/w/f.

My e2 levels were over last blood test, probably due to the HCG, Ive added 0.5 adex 2-3 times a week and some Calcium D-Glucarate 1g ED and DIM-200 400mg ED, to try and control it, I've got another blood test in 3 weeks to see how its working
My question is I'm considering using Primo as an AI instead, but I'm not sure on the timing of the switch, I was thinking of adding the Primo and then dropping the dex and Calcium D-Glucarate, DIM-200 7-10days later, does anyone know if primo will take over in the 7-10 days or will if take longer? I'd hate to mistime it and end with high e2 again

P.S. for those who would question why I include HCG in my TRT and say I should simply let my balls go at my age, let me tell you, your never too old for ball size and functionality to be important to your overall health and wellbeing :)
What functions does your ball size do lol. Honest question.
You can always lower the dose before adding anything else. You may not like it, but your body might. TRT is a medication so it serves as minimal effective dose to relieve symptoms of low T.

Lowering by 20-30mg per week might not cause much decrease in gains while possibly could be enough of a difference to avoid slightly high estrogen symptoms.
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I've been doing your exact dosage and injection frequency for TRT and had the exact same e2 problem, so I can chime in. Adding in as low as 75mg primo was enough for me to lower the estrogen to a good range. But everyone is different, some need 1:1 test/primo ratio for optimal e2, give it a try it won't hurt you at all in such doses. Only thing with primo is that it lowers libido for me and a few others.

By the way, stop doing the Arimidex so frequently, it's very unhealthy on lipids.

What symptoms are you getting with high e2 that you are afraid of?
I've been doing your exact dosage and injection frequency for TRT and had the exact same e2 problem, so I can chime in. Adding in as low as 75mg primo was enough for me to lower the estrogen to a good range. But everyone is different, some need 1:1 test/primo ratio for optimal e2, give it a try it won't hurt you at all in such doses. Only thing with primo is that it lowers libido for me and a few others.

By the way, stop doing the Arimidex so frequently, it's very unhealthy on lipids.

What symptoms are you getting with high e2 that you are afraid of?
When my e2 got to high I was getting anxiety, racing thoughts and I just didn't feel like myself, when it came down I was feeling much like myself again.
Are you using HCG? would that help with the lowered libido? I'm gonna start with 50mg primo and take a blood test 3 weeks later to see what my e2 is like.
How long do you think it takes the primo to start lowering the e2?
When my e2 got to high I was getting anxiety, racing thoughts and I just didn't feel like myself, when it came down I was feeling much like myself again.
Are you using HCG? would that help with the lowered libido? I'm gonna start with 50mg primo and take a blood test 3 weeks later to see what my e2 is like.
How long do you think it takes the primo to start lowering the e2?
I was using 250iu MWF hcg, it didn't help with the lowered libido, unfortunately. on test alone, i have better libido than test/primo. It took me around 2 weeks to notice the AI effects of it.
I was using 250iu MWF hcg, it didn't help with the lowered libido, unfortunately. on test alone, i have better libido than test/primo. It took me around 2 weeks to notice the AI effects of it.
Do you think upping the hcg or test might help the libido issues or lowering the primo
I'm curious, are you able to get your e2 levels as close as possible to the levels you had before starting trt, if so how did you feel libido wise?
Yes, i did get it close, but on TRT and especially adding in primo my SHBG got extremely low. Which previously was thought to be a good thing, but now we know low SHBG can mess with a lot of things, including libido.
Younger dudes usually need AI even if they are on other DHTs, older dude usually gets away with e2 problems even if not running ai or dhts
51 year old male, 1st year of TRT, currently on 150mg of test e, 50mg m/w/f, 250iu of HCG m/w/f.

My e2 levels were over last blood test, probably due to the HCG, Ive added 0.5 adex 2-3 times a week and some Calcium D-Glucarate 1g ED and DIM-200 400mg ED, to try and control it, I've got another blood test in 3 weeks to see how its working
My question is I'm considering using Primo as an AI instead, but I'm not sure on the timing of the switch, I was thinking of adding the Primo and then dropping the dex and Calcium D-Glucarate, DIM-200 7-10days later, does anyone know if primo will take over in the 7-10 days or will if take longer? I'd hate to mistime it and end with high e2 again

P.S. for those who would question why I include HCG in my TRT and say I should simply let my balls go at my age, let me tell you, your never too old for ball size and functionality to be important to your overall health and wellbeing :)
E2 (and I believe E1 as well) are difficult to control when taking HCG.
An AI can at most reduce the aromatase of testosterone but the estrogenic activity of HCG remains.

Do you even need testosterone supplementation with the HCG?
HCG and ED 50-100mg Proviron would also be interesting for you.
Your idea 100 mg/wk of Primo could actually work too.

Now wait for your results.
If you care about your lifestyle and health, I would prefer HCG and Proviron.
If physique is very important to you, I would stick with HCG and testosterone and add low doses of Primo.

In the end, you'll probably have to try both to find out which one feels best.
Yes, i did get it close, but on TRT and especially adding in primo my SHBG got extremely low. Which previously was thought to be a good thing, but now we know low SHBG can mess with a lot of things, including libido.
I've read of some using dbol for a couple of days to treat low e2, I wonder if it would also raise your SHBG? usually HCG would help bring it up
51 year old male, 1st year of TRT, currently on 150mg of test e, 50mg m/w/f, 250iu of HCG m/w/f.
Try adding in Primo 25mg X3/week along with your trt and see how you feel after a month and adjust from there. From my experience Primo is easy on side effects. I have currently added it into my regimen, still dialing it in and finding the lowest effective dose.
Who says having elevated e2 is a problem? Do you have gyno or other estrogen related symptoms. You’re adding testosterone so your estrogen is going up. I wouldn’t let a lab test direct me into lowering e2 with other meds. If you feel good and don’t have estrogen related symptoms, let it ride. E2 has many beneficial qualities including muscle growth.
Why add more AAS before adjusting testosterone dosage? Why rely on estrogen blockers? I tend to run slightly higher estradiol as well but have no sides. As I discovered this I dropped test a bit, noticed no difference besides the volume per week and didn’t lose mass.

@lukiss96 said it best, reduce by a bit and see where you’re at. You’ll never physically notice the reduction.

The answer isn’t more AAS. We’re here for harm reduction. Less is best.