Primo causing painful pumps and intense itching?


New Member
I'm on week seven of my second cycle, 500 mg Test C and 200 mg Primo E per week, split twice a week. I've been having some very intense pumps, especially delts and lower back, to the point of having to stop my workout. Tried up to 6000 mg of taurine, no difference. Then a few weeks ago right when I begin to sweat I get a super intense itch, mostly focused on chest, back and face. It's to the point of being painful, however once actually sweating it stops and I do not experience it again.

I had bloodwork done, still waiting on a lot of my results, but the side effects I'm having typically point to high RBC and hematocrit and while they're elevated they don't seem to be as high as many people mention when they're having issues-

RBC- 5.74 M/uL
Hemoglobin- 17.6 g/dL
Hematocrit- 51.9%

I was thinking I'd go donate blood, I also ordered telmisartan in case I needed it, but now I'm wondering if something else is going on. I did change from Test E to C at the beginning of the cycle, but otherwise just added the Primo. At this point I'm tempted to drop the primo with it being the new variable but I figured I'd ask the pros since I'm still learning.
I'm on week seven of my second cycle, 500 mg Test C and 200 mg Primo E per week, split twice a week. I've been having some very intense pumps, especially delts and lower back, to the point of having to stop my workout. Tried up to 6000 mg of taurine, no difference. Then a few weeks ago right when I begin to sweat I get a super intense itch, mostly focused on chest, back and face. It's to the point of being painful, however once actually sweating it stops and I do not experience it again.

I had bloodwork done, still waiting on a lot of my results, but the side effects I'm having typically point to high RBC and hematocrit and while they're elevated they don't seem to be as high as many people mention when they're having issues-

RBC- 5.74 M/uL
Hemoglobin- 17.6 g/dL
Hematocrit- 51.9%

I was thinking I'd go donate blood, I also ordered telmisartan in case I needed it, but now I'm wondering if something else is going on. I did change from Test E to C at the beginning of the cycle, but otherwise just added the Primo. At this point I'm tempted to drop the primo with it being the new variable but I figured I'd ask the pros since I'm still learning.

When did the symptoms start? how far into the cycle?
Have you changed up any other variables in your routine?

different diet? changed to a different pre workout? using a different soap?
The pumps have gotten more painful over the course of several weeks, they were always intense at time, even before starting the cycle but once jumping on they've been getting worse from the start.

The intense itch when sweating has been about a month now, so three weeks in.

I'd been cutting leading up to the cycle, bulking now so I am eating more, however I've kept it in line and not gone crazy with food, just upped the calories a bit. Same preworkout, itching happens whether I take PWO or not. No new soap. Routine has otherwise remained the same, just went from TRT of 180 mg Test E per week to the current cycle and upping the food. I have noticed water retention, however chalked that up to the higher test dose.
I'm on week seven of my second cycle, 500 mg Test C and 200 mg Primo E per week, split twice a week. I've been having some very intense pumps, especially delts and lower back, to the point of having to stop my workout. Tried up to 6000 mg of taurine, no difference. Then a few weeks ago right when I begin to sweat I get a super intense itch, mostly focused on chest, back and face. It's to the point of being painful, however once actually sweating it stops and I do not experience it again.

I had bloodwork done, still waiting on a lot of my results, but the side effects I'm having typically point to high RBC and hematocrit and while they're elevated they don't seem to be as high as many people mention when they're having issues-

RBC- 5.74 M/uL
Hemoglobin- 17.6 g/dL
Hematocrit- 51.9%

I was thinking I'd go donate blood, I also ordered telmisartan in case I needed it, but now I'm wondering if something else is going on. I did change from Test E to C at the beginning of the cycle, but otherwise just added the Primo. At this point I'm tempted to drop the primo with it being the new variable but I figured I'd ask the pros since I'm still learning.
It's not easy to help when it's about primo because lot are counterfeit ...
Do you use pharma grade or UG ?

500mg test only made surely high hematocrit so yes you need to treat this, if your blood is admissible donate are a good things.

For back pump taurin work well from 7 to 10g, try to eat some food rich in potassium too, or take powder electrolyte.

If the side effect continue, stop the compound, if possible check your product with a kit to know if you have really primo inside.

Drink a lot water 3/4 litters daily for helping your hematocrit before donate / bleeding.

To be honest, i think it's better for you to stop this stuff, reduce MINIMUM your test at 200/250mg / week because 500mg are not good for your hematocrit.

Take care and be safe <3
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This is the exact issue I’m dealing with. I’m wondering if it could be an allergy to primo itself? I even donated blood and the next day still dealing with the issues. Have you ever figured it out?
Could possibly be your preworkout? I noticed this from certain pre workouts maybe if youre using one could be that? Sounds so similar to my experience with certain pres.

Edit: another possibility could be the carrier oil in your gear. Do you notice this only when training?
Could possibly be your preworkout? I noticed this from certain pre workouts maybe if youre using one could be that? Sounds so similar to my experience with certain pres.

Edit: another possibility could be the carrier oil in your gear. Do you notice this only when training?
I have the exact same issue as op. I get it not just around training but any time I overheat. I even notice it when I get angry/stressed out. It’s especially bad during cardio, even if it’s cold in the room if I start to warm up and before I sweat, I start itching and tingling uncontrollably. It gets slightly better if I drink a ton of water and get overly hydrated but doesn’t fully go away. I’ve noticed it’s gone away when I’ve gotten off primo, but this time I’m cruising on some primo (low dose) and it hasn’t gone. What i’m taking is definitely primo and I’ve even switched the carrier oils and different brands with different solvents. Just super fuckin weird
I have the exact same issue as op. I get it not just around training but any time I overheat. I even notice it when I get angry/stressed out. It’s especially bad during cardio, even if it’s cold in the room if I start to warm up and before I sweat, I start itching and tingling uncontrollably. It gets slightly better if I drink a ton of water and get overly hydrated but doesn’t fully go away. I’ve noticed it’s gone away when I’ve gotten off primo, but this time I’m cruising on some primo (low dose) and it hasn’t gone. What i’m taking is definitely primo and I’ve even switched the carrier oils and different brands with different solvents. Just super fuckin weird
yeah you are probably allergic to primo. Try taking a benadryl and see if symptoms get better. If they do that means you are allergic to primo.
yeah you are probably allergic to primo. Try taking a benadryl and see if symptoms get better. If they do that means you are allergic to primo.
fair, haven’t tried that, I take allegra/xyzal daily. I’ll try a benadryl one day and see. shit makes me exhausted so i’ll try before a night time cardio session after all my meals are in. I still suspect it’s something else but good idea to check
fair, haven’t tried that, I take allegra/xyzal daily. I’ll try a benadryl one day and see. shit makes me exhausted so i’ll try before a night time cardio session after all my meals are in. I still suspect it’s something else but good idea to check
if your body is having an allergic reaction benadryl should help stop that from happening. Just to see if thats whats actually going on you can narrow it down.
Man... start at the basics.. whats your daily sodium intake?
Do you use an AI or just trust that primo lowering E2 sufficiently?
Whats the blood value of your E2 at the moment?
Man... start at the basics.. whats your daily sodium intake?
Do you use an AI or just trust that primo lowering E2 sufficiently?
Whats the blood value of your E2 at the moment?
I get bloodwork very regularly. Everything in range. No AI, E2 in 20s. Every meal salted with 2 grams sodium and well hydrated.
It's basically not possible to be "allergic" to Primo itself. Most allergies are to environmental proteins, and Primo is not a protein. Some people have drug hypersensitivity, but Primo is a small molecule drug and moreover it's very similar to DHT, so the odds that you have hypersensitivity to it are also very low.

It's possible you have an allergy or reaction to something in the oil, so you might consider trying a different source for the Primo or brewing it yourself. If you DIY, inject the sterile oil before you brew, so you know that it doesn't bother you.

Most likely, though, what you are experiencing is narrowing or blockage of your sweat ducts. I'm not aware that AAS will do this, but Accutane definitely will, and beta blockers (e.g. nebivolol) can as well. Are you using either of those?
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I get bloodwork very regularly. Everything in range. No AI, E2 in 20s. Every meal salted with 2 grams sodium and well hydrated.
I suspect your sweating and hot flashes are caused by your low estrogen levels.
It's less about you being in the reference and more about the relationship between the values being right.
Either you increase your testosterone from 500 to 750mg and see if you feel better after 1-2 weeks or you reduce the Primo by half.
Personally, I would increase testosterone.
I suspect your sweating and hot flashes are caused by your low estrogen levels.
It's less about you being in the reference and more about the relationship between the values being right.
Either you increase your testosterone from 500 to 750mg and see if you feel better after 1-2 weeks or you reduce the Primo by half.
Personally, I would increase testosterone.
That’s what I had assumed as well but haven’t been able to prove yet, I’m using 210 test and 70 primo now so radio isn’t really that close
10-14g of sodium is not a bad approach.
Nowadays with tons of hgh i am at 6-8 a day which is more favorable to improve BP and water retention.
yeah when I struggled with water retention we backed down a bit but 2grams which puts me at about 12/day bp is great and hydration is dialed in. Not sure why the haha react lmao
yeah when I struggled with water retention we backed down a bit but 2grams which puts me at about 12/day bp is great and hydration is dialed in. Not sure why the haha react lmao
...I laughed because someone asked what your sodium intake is and you answered "2 grams per meal."
That's an entire day's worth of sodium. Per meal. I find that hilarious.