Primo E powder appearance?


New Member
I've got some experience homebrewing test prop and mast prop. I got some primo e raw powder from a source that advertises on multiple boards/is supposed to be reputable. Yesterday I brewed up a batch of the primo and have some questions on the look of the powder to see if it passes the gut check.

I've never brewed primo before so the appearance of the raw powder was a bit surprising to me. Can methenolone enanthate powder have large snowflake-type crystals that have a pearlescent sheen? There's also a noticeable smell to the powder that my test and mast don't have. The crystals were in varying sizes with some being quite large and others being much smaller. The shape and appearance of the crystals is totally different from the test and mast I have (from a different supplier). The primo powder dissolved extremely quickly in heated MCT (C8) oil, much faster than the test prop that I brewed earlier in the day. I brewed at 100mg/ml with 1% BA and 13% BB.

Does this sound like the powder looks "right" based on the snowflake shape, the pearlescent/shiny appearance, and the rapid dissolving?

I find how powders are processed can effect the size of the particles. Smell may be a byproduct from the processing. I brew my primo at 200mg/ml and it dissolves quickly in a1/20 solvent ratio
I find how powders are processed can effect the size of the particles. Smell may be a byproduct from the processing. I brew my primo at 200mg/ml and it dissolves quickly in a1/20 solvent ratio
What’s the pip like @ 200mg/ml?
I find how powders are processed can effect the size of the particles. Smell may be a byproduct from the processing. I brew my primo at 200mg/ml and it dissolves quickly in a1/20 solvent ratio
okay, that's also good to know. the other raw powders i've used were much more uniform and fine-grained with a very different structure, so your feedback is very helpful. much appreciated!

do you heat your powders with BA and BB? I've been dissolving the powder in the MCT oil on the heat and then adding in BA and BB later to avoid cooking off the BA, but I am not sure if that's the wrong way to do it. I am heating at 165 degrees Fahrenheit on the hot plate to warm and dissolve before adding BA, BB and filtering into a sterile vial.
okay, that's also good to know. the other raw powders i've used were much more uniform and fine-grained with a very different structure, so your feedback is very helpful. much appreciated!
You can perform a temperature test. Should melt around 70 degrees centigrade
okay, that's also good to know. the other raw powders i've used were much more uniform and fine-grained with a very different structure, so your feedback is very helpful. much appreciated!

do you heat your powders with BA and BB? I've been dissolving the powder in the MCT oil on the heat and then adding in BA and BB later to avoid cooking off the BA, but I am not sure if that's the wrong way to do it. I am heating at 165 degrees Fahrenheit on the hot plate to warm and dissolve before adding BA, BB and filtering into a sterile vial.
I have been brewing for about 20 years. I just put all liquids in a beaker and then add powder and place in a pan with water that is not boiling. And swish it around. I would guess it is in the water bath for maybe 3 minutes so i don't worry about degradation from less then 200F for a couple minutes. Others may worry more about it.
I find how powders are processed can effect the size of the particles. Smell may be a byproduct from the processing. I brew my primo at 200mg/ml and it dissolves quickly in a1/20 solvent ratio

What oils do you use? And for the solvent ratio is 1/20 the BA to BB or total solvents to total oil?
1/20 is the solvents. No PIP for me. Others may think different.