Primo E powder appearance?

The primo E I just got from them doesn’t have that appearance at all. It also has like zero solubility either. Not sure wtf is going on with them.
I've got some experience homebrewing test prop and mast prop. I got some primo e raw powder from a source that advertises on multiple boards/is supposed to be reputable. Yesterday I brewed up a batch of the primo and have some questions on the look of the powder to see if it passes the gut check.

I've never brewed primo before so the appearance of the raw powder was a bit surprising to me. Can methenolone enanthate powder have large snowflake-type crystals that have a pearlescent sheen? There's also a noticeable smell to the powder that my test and mast don't have. The crystals were in varying sizes with some being quite large and others being much smaller. The shape and appearance of the crystals is totally different from the test and mast I have (from a different supplier). The primo powder dissolved extremely quickly in heated MCT (C8) oil, much faster than the test prop that I brewed earlier in the day. I brewed at 100mg/ml with 1% BA and 13% BB.

Does this sound like the powder looks "right" based on the snowflake shape, the pearlescent/shiny appearance, and the rapid dissolving?

You will know it when you see the raws. Primo raws LOOK primo. Unlike other raws. Almost flaky.