Primo of the gods

I'm not sure if everything has it or just some products. I love mig840 personally but it doesn't jive with everyone that's for sure...
I have the Blend, my friend have his EQ and test D. So we will find out soon. Got in contact to get gear tested. Waiting until October.
At the risk of sounding like a POTG fanboy or apologist, i encourage you fellas who are worried about this source using Miglyol840 to relax and avoid condemning POTG just yet. Let's see how folks do with it.

I know some members are recalling all of the PIP issues that Pharmasource had with this carrier oil, but I suspect that Pharmasource themselves (his brewers) were part of the problem in how they brewed their gear, that created a lot of the issues.

POTG would be foolish to blindly switch to a carrier oil without carefully considering it, and he is not foolish with his products.
At the risk of sounding like a POTG fanboy or apologist, i encourage you fellas who are worried about this source using Miglyol840 to relax and avoid condemning POTG just yet. Let's see how folks do with it.

I know some members are recalling all of the PIP issues that Pharmasource had with this carrier oil, but I suspect that Pharmasource themselves (his brewers) were part of the problem in how they brewed their gear, that created a lot of the issues.

POTG would be foolish to blindly switch to a carrier oil without carefully considering it, and he is not foolish with his products.
Agreed I don't think he'd make a switch to any crap carrier oils. He has said he spent the extra cash for this carrier over Mct
As someone who used and who is currently using pharmasources test e with mig840, it's fucking smooth as butter. The only other test I've used is Pcom test and the Pcom test is not as smooth. I have a much easier time pushing the test with mig840 through a 25g pin (with a 3cc syringe)

With a 1cc syringe, I can use up to a 27g and even then, I can push too fast to where it won't settle and it leaks.

I love the mig840 carrier oil. Some don't. It's all on how YOUR body reacts.
I'm using PS Tren and NPP with the mygliol840 right now and I find it pins great. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
I just wanted to let everyone know my friend just pinned potg. E 300 with myglyol. Carrier. Smoooooth stuff !! 0 pip !!
I just wanted to let everyone know my friend just pinned potg. E 300 with myglyol. Carrier. Smoooooth stuff !! 0 pip !!
Good to know bro. I haven't tried pinning that carrier oil yet but have heard alot of postives abput it being smooth.
Mig 840 is always smooth with me. I noticed he is now carrying dhb.... gonna throw down on some soon. I wonder how the pip is?? Prob run it at 500mg a week and bump test up to 3-400mg a week and see how it goes!
I've been making my bases with migyol 840 and everyone who has used them said they would swear it was bunk because no pretty much no pip, but they say my gear is the best they've had. I think a lot of brewers use it and try to push the concentrations too high and are probably using other shitty solvents. I make everything at pretty much normal concentrations except my test/tren/var blend is 120mg/ml with slight pip. If you look at the chemical structure I believe it's essentially MCT oil with c12 and one of the pegs I believe. I think I have the MDS at home still so I'll check.
Mig 840 is always smooth with me. I noticed he is now carrying dhb.... gonna throw down on some soon. I wonder how the pip is?? Prob run it at 500mg a week and bump test up to 3-400mg a week and see how it goes!
I just picked up some cyp and deca and they both look thin like the previous Mig840 I have used through PS. Will let y'all know if there is any pip as me and a couple buddies are gonna be using it.