Primo Pip

2 days ago i did my first ever VG shot with 1ml of test/primo and next day i was sore af. It's probably more due to virgin muscle than the compounds itself but i was kinda dissapointed because everyone online says VG is the most painless spot lol
All first shots leave you a little sore. With VG you have to be careful and not pin in the wrong spot and hit a hip flexor. Which I’ve done a couple of times. At least that is what I think I hit. Walking was painful for 2-3 days.
All first shots leave you a little sore. With VG you have to be careful and not pin in the wrong spot and hit a hip flexor. Which I’ve done a couple of times. At least that is what I think I hit. Walking was painful for 2-3 days.

Nah, i didn't go that front. From the iliac crest bone i went 3 fingers back and 3 fingers down. Pretty sure it was a muscle more towards rear because i feel the pain in my side ass lol. First shot after 2 days was ok, now i'm in pain on the other side i jabbed yesterday. I guess it's gonna take 5-6 shots on each until they start to get smoother.
I see, i had 200mg Primo of differend brand myself, always PIP but the moment i got 175mg ones, no PIP ever (all MCT, no EO).

I also pin daily and slin pins make life so much easier. Good choice!
I have changed my mind. I noticed that while the PIP is not that bad, whenever I pin my quads I keep getting a fever and need ibuprofen/paracetamol. As the cycle has progressed it seems quads are tired of this molecule lol. And I am tired of waking up with a fever.

I am going to titrate my primo to 125mg/ml from 200mg/ml and will give an update in the coming weeks.

I wonder how Rimobolan, pharma primo, fares in regards to this issue.