Banter on..I was relating that to my point about Masteron and your presumably rhetorical question on what experience I’m basing it off.
One doesn’t need experience to understand how drugs work.
I have a lot to learn on this forum, specifically about diet and exercise and how to utilize high hormonal profile within short periods of time.
But just hearing someone say “hey guys mast/primo/whatever killed my libido therefore you should avoid it” is not something I would rely on while choosing a compound to run.
There’s a degree to which drugs affect individuals differently, but unless you’re an extreme outlier, most drugs will do what they’re supposed to.
So just because someone used some UGL fake/ underdosed product doesn’t mean the pharmacology is different had the product been legit and dosed/administered correctly.
So yes, medical knowledge could be important in extrapolating available data on pharmacokinetics. I’ve seen guys on here with decades of cycling under their belt recommend high test high deca cycles and then not understanding why their libido is dead.
What is less helpful is a typical gym bro comment like don’t teach me how to lift unless you bench 300 bro.
You stated that mast is only for contest prep. Find me something on pharmakinects that say it is made for drying out.
I am all for science but you are regurgitating shit and running back to science as your rationale. There are no studies to state it doesn't create growth but there is enough anectodal reports to state it does with test alone.